My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

  1. Otherkin are a seperate batch of people and not part of the lgbt community (although some try to be cuz they don't feel special enough or something)

  2. They're kids/young teens, please don't take anything they say as serious. It's about the same as playing "I'm a horse" or naruto running through the hallways, it's like a game they take seriously. But they have nothing outside of the Internet.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know why there is a discourse, I don't think I have to point out the obvious. I don't think simply throwing money at people fixes the problem either. Personally, I think education plays a big part, but also the social aspects and that they end up being stuck in these sorta "cut off" communities. Like they're being born into a mess and just get used to it. Something should be more actively done to reduce it and point them in a better direction instead of shrugging and being like "Welp that's how it is". And racism is still a problem in the US.

Even though the murder rates are decreasing (which means progress so hooray for that) it still stands out like a sore thumb compared to a lot of other countries. But I think instead of removing guns from the people, the US needs a different approach. I think, again, education plays a big part, as well as how the country deals with the mentally ill. There's also a bunch of other issues but if I pointed out everything wrong with the US I wouldn't be done by tomorrow. It's getting better, but it should be happening a bit faster for the sake of all the people, to avoid so many more deaths. But the politicians do fuck all to fix it. "Thoughts and prayers" never revived anyone.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Many are legitimately strawmen though, I mean I even explained why. If you want to change my view, feel free to point out what exactly is wrong or what I'm missing.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Can you inform me about how the cis white male is being attacked, preferably also with sources? (Not to sound condescending or anything, I'm genuinely interested).

The left are the meme by [deleted] in Libertarianism

[–]LordGhoul 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When you confuse the liberal left with some single loud nut bags and tumblr troll accounts you get this collage. Also, red comic sans on green? That's almost worse than this meme itself.

What a beautiful agenda by [deleted] in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a fantasy strawman of the liberal left if I've ever seen one. Pedos have tried for many years to become part of the lgbt+ community and make reasons up to try and make it legal (example shown in South Park episode from before 2000, "Cartman joins NAMBLA") but the lgbt+ community despises them. Nobody actually wants what this meme says except for the actual pedophiles. Adults can consent but children can't because they are simply too young.

Additionally, the lgbt community doesn't force children into hormones or anything, in fact it's illegal for underage kids to start hormones. If a child claims to want to be the opposite sex or isn't sure they have the possibility to get puberty blockers (simply blocks some of their sexual hormones from sending them into puberty for a while) just to give them more thinking time before their natural hormones take their decision for them. Once they are of age then they can decide for themselves if they want to take hormones or not. Not to mention the entire process isn't like going into the store and buying yourself a pack of testosterone. There's therapy and years of waiting time involved. That they want to give children hormones is an utterly absurd misconception.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

News reports would be a good start, or at the very least personally witnessed cases.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part #2, By in-between I meant biologically intersex people, it seems like you aren't aware that it's a thing. These people are born with both sex organs, usually some not being properly developed, and it's impossible to tell what they will actually identify with later in life. That's why Germany just introduced the third gender option on birth certificates - you legitimately can't tell by their genitals if they're male or female.

Also you say you don't hate trans people, but then why use the slur to describe them? It's like saying "I don't hate black people" and then immediately raise the n word for them. Even when you come from the mind of "it's just a word", do you really need to use it? I mean I used the argument for a different word until I realised I never fucking use it anyway so why is it even worth the debate.

wizzwizz actually explained the issue very well already. Your experience with transgender folk does not speak for every trans person either. But it's true that we should find a way to differentiate between the two. Brain scans may be a possibility, as they have a different structure than that of a non transgender person.

Additionally, you need counter statistics to your suicide statistics to see the full effect of transitioning. By that I mean suicide statistics before and after transitioning, as well as the effect of conversion therapy. You will find that transitioning reduces suicide, and that conversion therapy increases the suicide risk greatly. Transitioning is currently the best possible treatment available, and it actually includes therapy that starts before they can transition, to make sure they actually want it and that it isn't trauma and non-sex related identity issues. Also, if they are accepted to be just like any other member of society including being called by the gender and name they changed to instead of getting outcasted or bullied, they are less likely to commit suicide.

There is a very small percentage of people that regret transitioning, some have even detransitioned, and they are often shamed by anyone for making the mistake without anyone acknowledging their reasons. These people have usually been forced into gender roles and started feeling wrong because they arent a perfect stereotype. I remember the case of a girl who transitioned and only after going through with breast amputation she got traumatised and realised she made a mistake. Her father would always force her to be a stay at home woman, always supposed to wear dresses, cook for the men, but she hated it and felt wrong because she was more of a tomboy. She never realised that its completely fine to be a tomboy and it made her think she should be a guy. And I sympathise as all the girls back in my school days were very stereotypical while I was more of a tomboy as well, and felt out of place due to it. That's why it's important to not force gender roles and let children and young adults be able to express themselves freely. The most afraid of their kids turning out to be transgender or homosexual and reacting by forcing stereotypes and gender roles on their kids are doing the exact opposite to help it. If your boy wants to paint his nails, wear a dress or play with dolls just let him. If your girl prefers dinosaurs and cars and pants over skirts and dresses then let her. Kids love to try things out and experiment, it's good to let them explore what they like and what they don't. Plus, they're kids, they play and have fun and don't concern themselves with societies roles yet. Freeing people of thinking that they need specific personality or visual traits to be part of a gender would greatly reduce the risk of wrongly transitioning people.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've seen more people be outraged about the bathroom debate as anyone in the lgbt community actually giving a shit about it. You got the absolutely wrong idea of what's going on within these communities because you listen to a few outrageous loud mouthed assholes instead of the majority. Also I've never seen anybody want to abort entire babies, it's actually illegal unless the mother is literally about to die if they don't do it, or if the baby is dead already. It's exceptional cases and by no means the norm in countries where abortion is legal.

Also Antifa actually helped fight Isis in the war regions so I've got some respect for them. Seems like the right has a screwed idea of what Antifa does and stands for.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part #1

Behold, my country of "I picked neither for half of these"

This aside, the most important aspects would be science and education for everyone. School education should include daily life things everyone will need to know as an adult and be flexible. Everyone should have an equal chance, but competition equal to them when it comes to mental or physical abilities. Everyone is equal in front of the law regardless of status. A focus on rehabilitating criminals when possible and have them become a part of society again. A system pretty similar to that of Germany (I just know the most about it), but media that informs the people instead of fear mongering propaganda and lies, I don't think it should be allowed to knowingly spread misinformation. The people should be informed of what each party really stands for before they vote, as so many seem to not have a clue. Maybe instead of voting for a party, vote for policies? I'm not sure. Law should be enforced, but using violent force is an absolutely last measure. Life is valuable. We should try our best to work with nature and use it to our benefit instead of just purely destroying it. Guns should not be a necessarity (crime kept to a minimum) for the regular citizen and only used by a special section of the police, and rangers. Healthcare system like here should also cover mental illness and therapy should be up to the highest scientific standart. Politicians should always concern themselves with the biggest issues their people are facing and shouldn't be held to a higher standart than the average citizen. The rich should be taxed well and any attempts of them to get around paying tax should be a punishable offense. Politicians should let the people vote on large decisions that are paid with tax money to avoid putting the money into something nobody actually needs (ie abstract art statues instead of fixing the roads). Oh man there's so many more things I think I should stop before I get too carried away. I could write all day but who the hell would read it anyway. The German constitution by itself is a very good basis and could be improved upon.

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People who are otherkin with the spiritual belief of rebirth must feel so arsed now that kids picked it up. F

My criticism, I'll probably regret posting this by LordGhoul in CringeAnarchy

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Also note that I live on the other side of the world, but I'm willing to look into it Can you link me to a few cases where they get attacked?