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[–]ashyboye 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

You've criticized a lot, what's your vision of the ideal country? Describe it from general policies, type of government, economic system, globalist or nationalist, whatever.

Also, I'd like to point some things out. On the topic of trolls, you seem to have this idea that trolls believe they're going to change culture and politics through shitposts. By some people's definition, I'd be a troll, and I just do it for the laughs primarily. Sure, making a couple faggits pissed is pretty great, but it's not as if I'm expecting to see a political or cultural shift because I posted a clown pepe. If it upsets the media, then I'll just laugh, and that'll be the end of it. It's for fun, though I do unironically believe in a lot of the rhetoric used in memes I enjoy.

On the topic of guns, there is a consensus held by about 70 percent of Americans. More screening for mental health, and deeper background checks. Apart from that, it's basically divided into two camps. Conservatives who say "gun good." and liberals who say "gun bad." Of course it's more nuanced than that, but delving deeper would require a rabbit trail of research I'm not currently prepared to undertake.

You also mentioned the following: "even biologically speaking the body can end up in-between), gender dysphoria is an illness and transitioning/appearing as the gender they identify as is the treatment, its as simple as that."

If you're using micropenises as evidence of the body ending up in-between, that's incredibly rare, and it is still a penis. Also, it is a severe mental condition, one that, even with your "treatment" of hormone therapy or transitioning, still results in a 40% suicide rate. It's harmful to the youth to glorify transgenderism when it's obvious that so many of them have depression and ridiculously high suicide rates. I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent and share my experience with the subject. I suspect my ex was abused as a child. She never brought up the topic, was raised in what I observed to be a rocky family, always needed attention and reaffirmation, and repeatedly brought up suicide, previous experiences with drugs, and of course, her identifying herself as a guy. I realized that it was likely that she either had been brainwashed by the establishment and was using transgenderism as a cry for attention, or had wounds too deep for me to mend. Although I wish I could have helped her, all but one attempt was met with failure.

In my life, the people who have been affected by transgenderim have deep-rooted issues already. They seek a new identity, a new skin, gender, etc to try and move on. What they don't realize is that the past never leaves. It's a sad state of affairs, but I will never support the transgender movement because of this reason. They think that becoming another gender will help them, as psychiatrists and doctors constantly reassure them (because it gives them business), but it ultimately leaves them just as empty as before.

And what do they have? A mere shell of a body that requires years of expensive hormone treatments, and no emotional gratification. They delude themselves that this new identity, this new body will enable them to move on, but it's just smoke and mirrors.

I pray for the men and women who do experience this, and hope they get mental help, mental help that will fix, or begin to mend the problem at it's root, not relying on a physical change to set you in the correct mental state. As much as I might meme on trannies, I don't hate them, I pity them; a pity that comes from an honest place, when I observed the raw emotions of a broken girl.

That's all, kinda sad now tbh. I hope you got this far, and am interested in hearing your thoughts, esp on transgenderism.

[–]LordGhoul[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Part #2, By in-between I meant biologically intersex people, it seems like you aren't aware that it's a thing. These people are born with both sex organs, usually some not being properly developed, and it's impossible to tell what they will actually identify with later in life. That's why Germany just introduced the third gender option on birth certificates - you legitimately can't tell by their genitals if they're male or female.

Also you say you don't hate trans people, but then why use the slur to describe them? It's like saying "I don't hate black people" and then immediately raise the n word for them. Even when you come from the mind of "it's just a word", do you really need to use it? I mean I used the argument for a different word until I realised I never fucking use it anyway so why is it even worth the debate.

wizzwizz actually explained the issue very well already. Your experience with transgender folk does not speak for every trans person either. But it's true that we should find a way to differentiate between the two. Brain scans may be a possibility, as they have a different structure than that of a non transgender person.

Additionally, you need counter statistics to your suicide statistics to see the full effect of transitioning. By that I mean suicide statistics before and after transitioning, as well as the effect of conversion therapy. You will find that transitioning reduces suicide, and that conversion therapy increases the suicide risk greatly. Transitioning is currently the best possible treatment available, and it actually includes therapy that starts before they can transition, to make sure they actually want it and that it isn't trauma and non-sex related identity issues. Also, if they are accepted to be just like any other member of society including being called by the gender and name they changed to instead of getting outcasted or bullied, they are less likely to commit suicide.

There is a very small percentage of people that regret transitioning, some have even detransitioned, and they are often shamed by anyone for making the mistake without anyone acknowledging their reasons. These people have usually been forced into gender roles and started feeling wrong because they arent a perfect stereotype. I remember the case of a girl who transitioned and only after going through with breast amputation she got traumatised and realised she made a mistake. Her father would always force her to be a stay at home woman, always supposed to wear dresses, cook for the men, but she hated it and felt wrong because she was more of a tomboy. She never realised that its completely fine to be a tomboy and it made her think she should be a guy. And I sympathise as all the girls back in my school days were very stereotypical while I was more of a tomboy as well, and felt out of place due to it. That's why it's important to not force gender roles and let children and young adults be able to express themselves freely. The most afraid of their kids turning out to be transgender or homosexual and reacting by forcing stereotypes and gender roles on their kids are doing the exact opposite to help it. If your boy wants to paint his nails, wear a dress or play with dolls just let him. If your girl prefers dinosaurs and cars and pants over skirts and dresses then let her. Kids love to try things out and experiment, it's good to let them explore what they like and what they don't. Plus, they're kids, they play and have fun and don't concern themselves with societies roles yet. Freeing people of thinking that they need specific personality or visual traits to be part of a gender would greatly reduce the risk of wrongly transitioning people.

[–]ashyboye 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It'll take me some time to respond to both these parts, as I have a lot of finals coursework due, and don't have the time to respond to all of this. That being said, I did write up a short reply to wizzwizz around the same time you posted this, so you might not have seen it. Consider taking a look at that meanwhile.