"How dare you say they're the same?!" by magnora7 in memes

[–]Gizortnik 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thinks Republicans are "hording wealth and resources".

Well, now I know this is a meme from a Classical Marxist that opposes Identitarianism.

Goodyear Bans 'Blue Lives Matter' and MAGA Slogans, Allows BLM by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, just a useful idiot.

"Racial Justice and Social Equity are not political issues. They are universal values that all people should have. MAGA is a political statement in favor of a specific political campaign."

They're just repeating the rhetoric.

Goodyear Bans 'Blue Lives Matter' and MAGA Slogans, Allows BLM by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When you say "airhead" you make it sound like that person isn't explicitly acting for political change as a member of the Social Justice Racket, whose purpose is to be the literal moral compass of the corporation and all members of the corporation. They aren't brain-dead people. They know what they are doing, and their efforts to overthrow the corporate culture and replace it with the Social Justice Racket is well funded and well supported.

Goodyear Bans 'Blue Lives Matter' and MAGA Slogans, Allows BLM by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm starting to find that it is in my best interest to abandon all large corporate products & services regardless of price. I can't fund people that hate me, solely because it's minimally cheaper.

Goodyear Bans 'Blue Lives Matter' and MAGA Slogans, Allows BLM by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The Corporatists are continuing to push for Black National Socialism as a co-opted way of maintaining their current corporate power structure, while funneling dark money to establishment candidates.

Fuck your faggot ass Goodyear.

I can't wait until Firestone pushes Black Lives Matter. Hopefully we can use their rubber colony in Liberia as a weapon against them.

Goodyear Bans 'Blue Lives Matter' and MAGA Slogans, Allows BLM by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


A view from the Left | Jimmy Dore on Kamala: "She's a cop!". On Bernie: "He is such a cuck!" by Gizortnik in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's important to have a view from the Left's perspective on this, and while Jimmy Dore is (unfortunately) a useful idiot progressive because he seems to want to maintain principles (which is contrary to Leftism).

It's clear to me that the Corporatists are trying to undermine Trump's "Law & Order" narrative while they literally use the Communists and Black National Socialists to promote an insurgency and violence.

They are literally making the argument: "I'll stop beating you just as soon as you stop resisting." The progressives are only slowly recognizing they are never going to get a piece of the Corporatist pie unless you're a puppet for them like Sean King.

Leftists try to Troll Conservatives with #AllCountriesMatter - Too stupid to realize they are exposing their Racism by scrubking in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He's right about this idiotic trending.

Our countries are explicitly segregated by armed military force. Your state actually has a responsibility to protect you before the rest of the world. Under your countries laws, you have a unique cultural, linguistic, and historical tradition. Within our country we are one, but we are not the same as other countries and we are not anything like them. That is why we can give preferential treatment to Americans in America. America is our country, and everyone else is NOT.

The moment you try to promote this idea to race, you are actually promoting the structural and systemic racism that you claim to oppose. You are not countrymen. You are of one race, deserving of special protections and treatments that the rest of your country are not entitled to. Your language, culture, history, and traditions are all part of your specific race, and no one has the right to interfere in that. And the state has a responsibility to protect your race at the expense of others.

This is the exact reason why ethno-nationalism is bad, and why BLM is a Black National Socialist movement.

This logic is also emblematic of why "Ally" is racist as fuck.

Bringing up an upcoming civil war on the reddit sub by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Jesus, sorry for the late response.

The leftist bubble deflating will have a lasting impact because because, long story short: technology, economics, and the decentralization of firepower are going to cause a major changing of the elites in the world, and will cause a necessary liberalization of social and political structures to deal with that change.

Leftists will still re-ignite (they always do), but the whole geo-political landscape is going to shift under their feet.

Bringing up an upcoming civil war on the reddit sub by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

New York really can't riot considering it's a fucking police state with a police department that is effectively a paramilitary police force. They know better to even think of letting something like that start up. They gotta smash any possible incitement down as hard as they can.

I still expect New York to potentially depopulate a little bit in the coming decade as the country's politics and establishment lurches rightward towards more classical liberalism, but unless the financial sector collapses, I don't expect riots.

That being said, I'm expecting the petro-dollar to collapse so that could still happen.

Bringing up an upcoming civil war on the reddit sub by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, this kinda thing is ugly, and it is the end of something. It's the end of our shitty leftist institutions (and they are panicking about that). But, as with deflation, it presents the rest of us with a stellar opportunity to grow out of this. It's just not the end of the world. Or even the US.

Bringing up an upcoming civil war on the reddit sub by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not a chance of a Civil War.

I don't think you all understand that this shit isn't going to be seen as a powerful conflict between massive political power-blocks. This is just the Leftist Establishment Bubble popping. This is it's deflation.

Serious Unrest? Sure.

1968? Nope.

1861? Absolutely not.

Britain First leader Paul Golding convicted under terrorism law [Guardian] by APDSmith in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is exactly the problem with these terror laws. It's a massive suspension of some real basic freedoms. Particularly when it comes to the suspension of any reasonable suspicion standard.

"Trust the experts" by GenesisStryker in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

That can be a nearly undetectable line in most people.

"Trust the experts" by GenesisStryker in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, it's not really wrong, though I would challenge "deep instincts" to a degree.

There is an aspect of "common sense" that absolutely comes from people attempting to keep themselves safe through learned behaviour, and the development of human capital from past experience. Tradition may have value as a useful mechanism that operate without proper alliteration.


Keyword there.

Some traditions, like cultures, promote a version of "common sense" which is purely derived from people institutionalizing some sort of asserted wisdom based off of nothing. It's the reason a leftist thinks that it violates "common sense" that price controls will keep businesses from 'price gouging' because it threatens them if they use 'abusive pricing tactics to exploit people'.

Or, for more primitive societies, it would have been common sense for the Maya to use enemy nations royalty as human sacrifices to demonstrate their cultures "unquestionable strength" and that raping and enslaving populations that showed them resistance was a moral act of a superior people naturally ascending over an inferior people. The kind of violent power-based mentality that goes along with a civilization that simply asserts "might makes right" might be sensible for that civilization, even for a thousand years, but it might just be a horrifically stupid idea.

Think of it like this: hereditary rule makes common sense. If human capital for leadership is a skill that takes a great deal of time to develop, and the only way you can actually know how to rule is by having power and ruling over people, hereditary succession makes sense initially.

Right up until we see that it develops an aristocratic class of inbred that effectively doesn't give two shits about the people they rule over, and only cares about their specific current possessions. They don't care about anything they control because all they care about is seizing more land (or better land) from other people to increase their status among elites. The people living on that land are nothing more than cannon fodder at best, and an annoyance at worst. This is the aristocratic, globalist, imperial mind-set; but it's not new. It's a very old way of thinking that has always existed among the elites.

Traditions absolutely have value. The issue is that some traditions may only be valuable in certain places, at certain times. Humans must develop new traditions along with the development of their own human capital, along with changes in their environment.

Do not put blind faith in traditions, but do not just simply throw them away without understanding why they came about in the first place.

Georgia Bureau of Investigation charges man with murder for filming Ahmaud Arbery's death by AntonioOfVenice in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have sympathy for normies panicking at dirty prosecutors trying to rail-road everyone on sight. Dirty prosecutors try to criminalize and destroy innocent people for political expediency. I put them on the same level as infant rapists. In a just world, intentionally rail-roading innocent people would be a capital offense.

There is no way in hell a murder charge fits for Mr. Bryan. They're charging him for purely political reasons, and maybe to try and get him to testify against the McMichaels. I can imagine a scenario where he pleads guilty to a lesser charge, testifies against the McMichaels, and then they get off. So, insanely, the videographer would be the only person who would go to prison.

Let's have an honest discussion... by MaskedCoward in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's a huge problem authoritarians and intellectuals have. They want to control the system, but don't accept that the system is emergent from individual chaos. They never talk about all people because talking about what Sowell calls "inter-temporal abstractions" allows them to make the sweeping generalizations they need to paint a narrative.

Racism is an intellectual pursuit.

Let's have an honest discussion... by MaskedCoward in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed. I don't object to the right of association. You can't force people to live together. They have to be allowed to live together and figure out how to live around each other. This can only be done one person at a time through patient and voluntary interaction.

Forcing people to live together will always cause problems without some sort of over-arching, mandatory, cultural demands. Everyone can get along in a barraks because everyone is coerced into suppressing individual rights, required to accept a homogenous code of conduct, and accepts that their position is purely temporary. What actually belongs to them is a forcibly isolated out. In a normal human society, this can't be done. People have to feel each other out.

What the alt-right don't understand is that integration is completely natural for most populations, and is even an aspect of evolutionary biology. There is a point to the argument that diversity is a strength... primarily in genetic diversity as a resistance to disease. Total dissimilarity is what is not a strength. Integration just isn't initially the norm, but over time it happens if no one is trying to draw up boundaries and coerce others. Populations will slowly integrate, and individual people will self-segregate and self-integrate as personally needed. That's a good thing, leave the humans alone, they'll figure it out.

This Chinese Cult is Not Your Friend | Inside Falun Gong's propaganda empire by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, I don't deny that at all.

But what I'm saying is that you can't rely on Arbiter's of Truth, let alone Facebook to function as one. I know Radio Free Europe is CIA propaganda, it also has more honest converge than a lot of shit in Europe. Getting at truth requires you to dig through malicious sources, because if a malicious source can any amount of truth that supports their narrative, they'll seize it. The Nazis were habitual liars, but they weren't lying when they were pointing out the Katyn massacre. In fact, lying about it would have been detrimental to their larger narrative in that specific case.

Avoid believing narratives, but sometimes even the worst and most unreliable people will tell you the truth if it benefits them.

Let's have an honest discussion... by MaskedCoward in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So much of this is completely silly.

Does anyone truly believe that blacks could ever integrate into these cultures?

Yes. All of them. Any of them. First: can blacks integrate into any culture that isn't there own? Yes: we've seen this in Islamic Culture, Jewish Culture, American Culture, and even Asian cultures. You, yourself, attempted to completely dismiss this fact when you decided that you didn't want to hear about "your super-cool and smart black coworker."

There are both individual and societal examples of African populations integrating into a wide array of cultures, societies, traditions, etc. The very fact that you assumed someone would mention a successful co-worker of there's who successfully integrated is evidence that you understand this, and don't want to hear it because it defeats the argument right out of the box.

While I don't have any "peer reviewed research" to prove this I do have life experience, observable statistics, repeatable and predictable patterns, and no contradictory evidence.

You go on, moments later, to dismiss other people's life experience working with blacks. You cite statistics, but don't seem to understand the relationship between peer reviewed research and statistics. When you say "repeatable and predictable pattern", what you mean are shitty self-affirmations of a narrative. The moment you tell yourself that there is NO contradictory evidence that you've seen, it means that you've never actually been willing to see any challenges to your ideas. There's always evidence that is potentially contradictory in any argument.

Meaning, could they ever be satisfied with their outcomes in the absence of special treatment, social justice, etc.

Special Treatment and social justice are different things. Your complaint is about preferential racial treatment. Could blacks go on with out it. Yes, most on Earth live without it. Not every black person is upper-middle class Mizzou senior who has a millionaire daddy. Preferential Racial treatment is not the norm for individuals.

It can, however, be the norm for societies especially when such sectarianism is promoted as a good thing. This is why launching a move towards racialism in a society is absolutely poisonous. As with the Czechs and Germans prior to WW2, the progressive intellectual pursuit of racialism promoted grievance and demands of collective retribution, reward, and compensation in societies that would go on to spiral as new grievances were created by each act of 'racial justice' until portions of Czechoslovakia had been depopulated as Germans were forced out after Czechs had been mauled in WW2. Racialism doesn't ever help a society, it spirals it out of control into violence and sectarianism.

When people are in this spiral of sectarianism, there are always idiots clamoring that they need special compensation and retribution in retaliation to protect themselves, and that more racialism and sectarianism is the only way things will work. It always fails.

So, you look at black populations across the world. In America, they were exposed to racialism since many were imported. Racialism was strongly promoted in the US, and blacks tended to collectivize in order to secure themselves from multiple efforts to be purged or fucking exterminated. Which, I'll have to get back to since you made a completely historically ignorant comment about Segregation. Meanwhile in Africa, Blacks were collectivized along their specific religious and ethnic lines, which has lead to centuries of violence and authoritarianism. Elsewhere in the world where blacks weren't aggressively racialized (either by an establishment or in a response to one), like in South America, integration has been completely normal. Racial tensions is not anywhere near as significant as it is in other places.

The most peaceful relations between blacks and whites in America occurred during segregation, and I don't believe that will ever change.

This tells me that you know literally less than nothing about the Segregationist era, and you've never spoken to anyone who was alive prior to 1964. Blacks in America invented the words "Sun Down Towns" because these were predominantly white towns in America that were published in Almanacs (made specifically for blacks traveling across the US), so that they could avoid being wantonly murdered for simply stepping into the wrong fucking neighborhood. Ethnic political party boss systems in American cities meant that there were zealous ethnic and religious divisions in cities and people were not allowed to go to different places in different cities if you weren't part of the right demographic. Even in socially segregated places in the North, the idea of racial mixing (as in different races simply congregating with one another) was considered alarming and suspicious. There was an ever present threat of communal violence or defamation in a response to two people being friends. There is a reason Rock and Roll Music was considered nearly revolutionary in the mid 20th century, and the fact that the music and fans were effectively integrated (much to their own surprise) had a major portion to do with that.

That is to say absolutely nothing about racial tensions in the south supported by state-sponsored terrorism, and racial tensions in the north supported by ethnically based mafias and the violence that goes along with that.

You can't claim that there were peaceful relations in an era of history which is marred by extreme suspicion, race riots at the very hint of misconduct, lynchings, assassinations, murder, the deployment of US aircraft against civilians, and so fucking much crazy shit more.

Anyone who was alive to live through the mid 20th century is fully aware that racial tensions are still better now than they were at any point prior to 1970. When was the last time you saw the local Union intentionally start a race riot to beat the hell out of Chinese people to prevent Irish people from losing jobs? You haven't because it stopped happening. Ethnic hatred against eastern Europeans has decreased over the decades. The same things have progressed with black-white race relations.


So, can blacks integrate into European culture. Yes. They have. Repeatedly. And at different times and places. There are also instances when blacks who (as Thomas Sowell puts it) who embraced Redneck & Cracker culture, migrated to new locations, and agitated the local populations to cause racial tensions to increase. The only solution to that is NOT to drive populations into fucking racialized hives as we've already done in the past (which lead to extreme tension and significant amounts of collective violence and disunity). It is to allow integration to happen naturally through the transmission of human capital by free exchange and interaction.

This Chinese Cult is Not Your Friend | Inside Falun Gong's propaganda empire by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

His 'normie' logic really spills out.

"Spreading such misinformation that Facebook had to remove it". You can't use Facebook as an arbiter of fucking truth.

Truth is, I'm okay with Epoch Times in confronting Communist propaganda in the same way that Radio Free Europe can confront Russian Propaganda, and RT can confront American propaganda. There is no objective truth that can be found within journalism, you just have no other choice but to have a competitive news diet.

Angry Drill Sgt v. Canada - Short skirts, 'bling' medals, and feminist hypocrisy by Gizortnik in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Collectivism, in the civilian world, is all about creating cults where sociopaths form orbits of abuse victims and enablers to reward them. Being in an actual collective, like the military, means that you have to take personal responsibility for everything the collective does, or doesn't do. The idea of sociopaths at the center of the different branches of the Social Justice Racket, taking any personal responsibility, is an alien concept to them.

They for protection rackets and abuse circles to avoid responsibility.

CNN commentator says 'shame on you' to black voters who still support President Trump by [deleted] in KotakuInAction

[–]Gizortnik 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


From the RCP video: "I hope they're not gonna give away money!"


Why? Are you upset that they might try to steal your ideas?