GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

While you two are having a conversation, I wanted to jump in and say you were the one who started being unnecessarily aggressive with the "goddamn gametes", eventhough Catbug was calmly explaining themselves to you. https://imgur.com/QrFb0lZ

I think it's best you both calm down and take a breath because it's like you're both mad at each other

And saying that someone is dense or obtuse is not ableism. They are just telling you you don't seem to grasp what they are saying so there must be an issue there you have to fix before Catbug can continue the discussion with you. There can't be a discussion when one side does not and refuses to understand the other side.

I think this is one of the issues with the left. They think saying someone is stupid or has a 'disability' is ableism. In that case, ableism itself wouldn't exist because you think either noone has an issue or a disability, or the issue or the disability should not be talked about.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think there are risks to other people when it comes to transplanted penises, because men who want transplanted uteruses plan on being "pregnant" right? Women who want transplanted penises would also want to make women "pregnant", to say to people "we are real men". If a female with a transplanted penis uses the "sperm" produced from transplanted testes to reach the "egg" from transplanted ovaries in a male, then that would mean someone else (the fetus) is being affected. I think there should be more articles like that first one, but this time arguing against penis transplants, it's sad people aren't thinking about the risky things women can do with transplanted penises :(

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for understanding me. I know it's troublesome to explain things to me in a way I can understand, it happens a lot in reality but I'm trying and I also appreciate that you are willing to take the time to come here and answer my questions. I got fed the tra logic for some time, especially on reddit, but I had a mental breakdown after a while because I was confused and didn't know who's telling the truth anymore. I get like that a lot when I can't process information properly and I decided only by coming here to see where the tras are wrong the confusion can go away, I hope it does.

I see now why the posts are related, it's because male and female are defined by genitals too and if we say testes are female or vaginas are male then male and female become meaningless. Did I get it correctly?

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh makes sense why you said "goddamn gametes", my bad for not noticing. From your tones in your comments, I started thinking you both were mad at each other and couldn't continue the discussion properly though? Was I mistaken on that too? 😟

I get if I told my boss she were dense she would take it as an insult and most likely fire me 😓. But denigration is unfair criticism. When someone (take my boss) truly is incapable of understanding things, then that's not ableist to tell them they are dense, if not stupid. I don't really think a word can be "inherently" anything, bad or good. We give words meaning, and power. If someone calls me "stupid" and I don't think of "stupid" as an insult, then the word immediately loses the power the other party believed it could have over me and is not an insult anymore, to me.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If GC means being a trans right activist then I will have to use "Anti-TRA and anti-GC:" when asking my questions so you know I'm specifically asking questions from "bigots uwu", and not you.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What? If you were gender critical, you wouldn't talk exactly like the trans right activists do: "uwu binary sex doesn't exist, if you have no gametes or genitals you're sexless uwu?".

GC at its core criticizes trans right activists and their beliefs, and if you are a trans right activist then you're contradicting yourself.

You said you 'identify' as a GC, if you were GC you would know it doesn't matter what you identify as. What matters is if you are really GC or not, and seeing as you don't at all follow the core values of GC, you are not GC.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Do you see that my question starts with GC which is followed by a colon? It means I am asking my questions from GC people and GC people only. You're TQ, so please. Can you and the other TQ not respond when a question is asked from GC people? If I wanted answers from you I would have said "Both:" not "GC:".

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Understood! I can't find any articles written by someone who's against penis transplants on females and gives similar detailed arguments against the trans like the first article where the author was against the uterus transplants though, do you know of any?

And I'm scared of what they are going to do, with 3d printing they are pushing boundaries in a way that can open doors to gene editing (like they dream of editing genes so they can actually change dna and change sex from there way before embryonic development even begins) and if their dreams come true who knows what creature they will end up with in the end ... it definitely won't even be human.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for the explanation, I think your own explanation in this comment is better than that second article! The article for the penis transplant confused me because unlike the article on uterus transplant where the author was against the uterus transplant, this one was pro-trans and wasn't against penis transplant and offered other ways those females could get the penis they want. The last line made me realize these people would go under the bus just so those females get that penis

But if an actual penis is what it will take to quiet transgender rights opponents’ standby argument that transgender men aren’t “real” men, then perhaps it’s time these opponents refocus their energies on raising money for transplant research.

I think they might even use technology. The article said they plan on funding research on 3d printing so they can replicate anatomical parts like penis, and testes, and maybe they will use it to replicate the uterus? I don't know. It's scary how far they are going with this

That’s not to say there are no alternatives in the works—albeit, the labor may not bear fruit for years, or even decades.

“For the transgender male, this is a new era giving options that allow a quality of life with a truer sense of gender and sexual identity on a psychosocial level,” Dima Elissa, CEO and founder of VisMed 3D, a Chicago-based company looking at the future of 3D-printed body parts, told me in an email. The 3D-printed anatomical parts that Elissa and her team are working on could be the more viable genital solution for transgender men in the shorter term.

With 3D printing, I believe it will be years not decades, when we will realize and replicate anatomical parts at a much reduced cost, and a more tailored personal solution."

Clearly she has a vested interest in promoting the promise of 3D printing, but Schecter did not rule out the possibility of the technology making its way to trans men before the transplants.

“The goal is to accelerate the use of 3D technology through proven standards, which don't really exist today, that would make the production of body parts, penis or otherwise, a real and affordable possibility for all,” she said.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is really detailed and I like the article. Are there any articles like this where evolutionary biologists oppose the idea of transplanting penises to females and explain why transplanting a penis to a female would never work and is impossible too? Thank you in advance.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sorry for leading to any misunderstandings. I really thought they were unrelated, because in the other one I asked things like what the definitions of male and female are, and in this one I asked why things like testes, penises, etc are considered male sex organs. And why they can't be considered female sex organs too.

I have some learning disabilities, and had a hard time in school. Still have a hard time in uni. It's hard for me to connect things, and if the two threads are really related then I apologize for not noticing. I do think I get manipulated easily because of my mental illnesses. That's why I came to this place, I don't want to spend years being confused by the tra logic.

GC: Why are penises, testes, etc considered strictly male organs, and vaginas, uteruses, etc strictly female organs? What's wrong with the view that women have penises, etc too and can produce sperm, or that men have vaginas, uteruses, etc too and can get pregnant? by BubblyBrush in GCdebatesQT

[–]BubblyBrush[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't know how to respond to you when you act like all my questions are a joke? I'm sorry but I'm slow and am not as smart as you, I need more than one sentenced answers to understand, "biology, reality", or "things on your other post answer you" don't actually answer my current questions here. Things are not so obvious to me as they are to you, maybe because I'm mentally ill. But those questions in the other post were about something entirely different. They can't give me answers for the questions in this post.