I've been just permanently banned from r/feminism for saying that in humans sex is a binary, and that intersex people aren still either male or female. I'm a biologist. by BioFem in GenderCritical

[–]BioFem[S] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is true, I've seen in "progressive" and "feminist" subs women being vicious towards "terfs" and even "swerfs", saying horrible things, completely missing the point and without even trying to listen to what radfems are saying. I didn't even mention trans people in my comment, I don't see how they are relevant while talking about intersexuality, because being trans has nothing to do with being intersex. I'm extremely frustated because of the "sex spectrum" thing that many scientists are claiming. It's obvious that they are saying that to defend that "biological sex" is a blurry and meaningless term because it's "so difficult to classify someone as male or female", like if the exception was the norm. If they consider biological sex irrelevant and blurry, it's obvious that "gender identity" should be the relevant thing. This complety ignores sexual attraction, the opression of women as deeply tied to our reproductive capacity and the medical implications of our sex. It's true that being cultural animals, culture and society are necesssary for us, but after all, we are still animals, and we are still subjected to biology. These people seem to think that somehow we have already trascend our status as mammals or something. You don't hear anyone saying that biological sex in chimps is very difficult to determine and that it's on a spectrum.

Also, the fact that they always bring up snails and clownfishes to prove how sex is not a binary... Shocking news, but humans aren't clownfishes.

I've been just permanently banned from r/feminism for saying that in humans sex is a binary, and that intersex people aren still either male or female. I'm a biologist. by BioFem in GenderCritical

[–]BioFem[S] 35 insightful - 7 fun35 insightful - 6 fun36 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

I forgot to mention the name of this guy, Colin Wright, he is an evolutionary biologist, yet the comments in r/feminism were saying that he should "educate himself", do some "basic research", that he had "no idea" and that he was an "ignorant conservative" .

In blatant display of misogyny, mod of /r/blatantmisogyny says you must be pro-trans, pro-sex work and pro-kink or else you are a misogynist by [deleted] in GenderCritical

[–]BioFem 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I swear it, this thread on Reddit has peaked me all over again. The day before yesterday there was a thread about a subreddit called r/Iwanttobeher. OP said that it was about transwomen posted porn videos of women being degraded saying that they would like to be in their places. OP was right about calling it out, since it's a really misogynist sub. There was a comment saying ironically "but it clearly it isn't a fetish". Yesterday, this stupid thread was posted and the thread calling out the subreddit Iwanttobeher has been deleted. How surprising!

But what really makes my blood boil is that they despise "SWERFs" and antikink movement. Is it that difficult to understand that 1. Criticising something doesn't mean that you hate the people who do that. I despise religion and I'm very critical of it, this doesn't mean that I hate religious people. 2. Choices aren't made in a vacuum: society influences every single decision you make. 3. Acknowledging the impact that society plays into our choices, tastes, personality, opinions and tastes doesn't mean that we think that women who choose to do things that damage women as a class are stupid, that we think that we are superior or anything like that: EVERYONE, even the most mature and intelligent person, is influenced by society, because we are human, and the most intelligent person can also be wrong about some things or make bad choices. 4. Is disgusting that a sub about calling out misogyny doesn't bother to acknowledge the damage behind "kinky" acts and the horrors of "sex industry".

About the comments, they are a joke. One comment said that gender critical are "one of the worst misogynist of the Internet". Another comment was even more hilarious: "your version of feminism reinforces gender roles". More comments: "women deserve respect simple for existing, not for being the perfect little pure Victorian belles you think we are" (no shit, Sherlock), "if you exclude kinky women, poly women and sex workers from your feminism, your feminism is shit" (wtf are they talking about, being against sex work and being critical of "kink" is not excluding anyone from feminism, if anything women exposed to this misogynist industry and practices are the ones who need feminism the most, because they are more vulnerable), "stop worshiping virginity" (no one is doing that?? We are only critical of hookup culture and "body count" culture, and we say that people shouldn't be shamed for being virgins.), "I'm 100% pro legalising sex work!", "It's true that women are opressed because of our sex but also because of our gender", "They think that biological sex is more important than gender identity" (why could it be?... Maybe because your biological sex is something that you can't choose, that shapes your life since birth anf that other people can clearly see, unlike your gender identity?)... The list goes on.

This just prove of wrong they are about us: everything they know about "terfs" is a strawman created by defamation and misunderstanding (funny, one of the mods was saying "you are making a strawman of what I said" all the time). If they bothered to listen to our claims, instead of just listening to the ones who demonise "terfs", many of them would agree with us. This just shows how terf is a slur, "oh, don't listen to her, she's a terf", that's how you silence someone.

Oh, another thing: