

Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 months ago

It is 100% a lie to say that no remains have been found.

What I wrote: The results [of the search for remains] show that the total amount of dead was between 200 and 300 thousand.

Many more tens of thousands were killed in pogroms and mass slaughters in cities, not in the camps,

That is not where the 6 million number comes from. The claim according to the jewish white washed history is that 6 million were killed in the camps.

That's why the Germans shifted to open-air burning pits

More lies to cover up the lies that have been exposed. Open air burning pits would require a lot of fuel because they are inefficient. Pits like this would still leave 6 million skeletons, along with tons of residue from whatever was used as fuel. That does not exist anywhere.

Hundreds of acres of land have had the soil chemistry permanently changed by the sheer amount of ash and burnt bone.


Nor did their bodies just magically disappear.

According to the holocaust story they did.

weavilsatemyface[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 months ago

The claim according to the jewish white washed history is that 6 million were killed in the camps.

Ignorant people who don't know better might believe that all of the deaths were in the extermination camps, but they are wrong. Around two million were killed in the extermination camps, and most of them had their bodies cremated. Very few bodies or even whole bones can be found, but there are hundreds of acres of land with tonnes of ash and bone fragments. You call it a lie, but you can travel there and stick your hand in the soil yourself.

Across eastern Europe, mobile killing squads rounded up people from towns and villages, shot them, and buried them in mass graves. Many of those were later burned, but not all, for example:

During the death marches late in the war, sick prisoners who could not continue were shot where they fell, either buried in a shallow grave or left for the wild animals. Some of these graves have been found, but they are unmarked and out in the countryside and hard to find.

And of course, after liberation, the concentration camp prisoners did not instantly recover. At least 30,000 died in the first few weeks, under the noses of the Allied doctors.

Open air burning pits would require a lot of fuel because they are inefficient. Pits like this would still leave 6 million skeletons

Open air burning pits are extremely efficient if you build them correctly, and the Germans had no shortage of clever engineers who worked out very quickly how to burn the corpses. The melted fat was collected in channels, and Jewish prisoners were forced to collect it and pour it over the bodies placed in layers. The Germans found that by alternating layers of fat and skinny (or even emaciated) bodies, they could generate enough heat to reduce the entire body to ash with just a small amount of fuel needed to start the process going.

There is a huge amount of potential heat stored in human flesh if you can dry it out enough to ignite it:

There were no entire skeletons because, just like in a crematorium, the bones are burned and can be easily pounded into ash and small fragments. Have you never thrown a bone into a bonfire?

Sometimes the Nazis were lazy, or in a hurry, and rather than spreading the ash out they dumped it all in a great big pit. That makes it easy to estimate the number of victims: we know how much ash a single person makes on average, and can work out the size of the pit and how much ash it contains, so that's just a matter of dividing.

According to the holocaust story they did.

No. According to lies Denialists tell about the Holocaust the bodies just disappeared into thin air. They did not. They left traces: corpses, piles of ash and bone, burial pits, paper records, eye-witnesses, photos, etc.