

iDontShift 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun 2 years ago

this isn't new. they are doing it with cancer treatments .. clearly

but pretty much thru denial of reality have create an unhealthy system that promotes unhealth

held up by hollywood, media, every form of institutionalize bullshit.. they all hold it up

they hold it up by its trauma care, the ability to re-attach your arm .. or save you from a life threatening infection

these things are all true..

but the reality is they DO NO ACTUAL HELP YOU GET HEALTHY

they can't ..

they lie when they say they can heal you

you just wait for healing most of the time


get healthy by doing what healthy people do

exercise . eat right . meditate . practice de-stressing yourself .. NO JUDGEMENT .. be nice. love yourself .. love others

find health in righting your thoughts, taking care of your body, and eating foods that promote good health

the lie is that we let them convince us they could save us

save yourself

God will help, but you must ask

only then can you get help you want

there is nobody else that can help you

peace, love, joy
