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[–]Musky[S] 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

Her only crime was pretending she's black, retarded though that might be, not sure she deserved to be vilified, prosecuted by the state, or unemployable, especially since transgender is apparently okay in society.

[–]Circlesbadnews 11 insightful - 3 fun11 insightful - 2 fun12 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

Especially when the left insists that race is a social construct and has no genetic basis. Same as with gender. So why would a person NOT be able to change their race, or "reaffirm" their race if they were "born in the wrong body."

[–]Alienhunter 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Difference between race and sex as a social construct.

There's clearly two distinct sex categories in humans, those who impregnate, and those who are impregnated. Namely, male and female. There's no spectrum to be had, there's birth defects and ocaisional mutations or anomalous gene expressions, but there's only two types of sex chromosomes. There's no Z chromosome. There's no sliding scale. There's only three options. You can impregnate someone. You can be impregnated. Or you can do neither. Social constructs don't impose upon women the ability to carry a child to term.

Race is different because it's a made up category and every culture has their own ideas on where the lines between races should be drawn. Physical differences have a genetic reason? Absolutely. But how you look at those physical differences and decide how to classify people? That's a social construct.

That uncontacted tribes in the Indian ocean, probably only has two racial identities they recognize, us and them. The most basic of all human tribal identities. As our society becomes more complicated and we interacted with more "tribes" and societies we need to find new ways of categorizing people.

Show your average white American pictures of Vietnamese and Japanese and they might both recognize them as the same race. Show those pictures to Japanese or Viets specifically and they'll likely recognize the differences more. Show them pictures of Italians and Germans and they'll both just consider them to be white. Show African tribesman to Americans and they'll put the pygmies and the Tutsi in the same category as black despite there being an extremely obvious and frankly far more substantial physical difference than simply skin color.

Racial differences are "real". But racial categories are arbitrarily defined. It all breaks down when you start getting to edge cases and trying to make classification systems that perfectly encapsulate all of humanity. It's impossible. Every human is different and our understanding of what differences we pay attention to and which we do not is derived from our society.

There's an old classification system. Caucasian. Afroid. And Mongoloid I believe. Whites Blacks and other essentially. But how is such a system useful for classifying Arabs? Or indians? Or Native Americans? Or Polynesians.

How specific or how wide you want to define your racial groups is totally arbitrary. We can go all the way down to the individual level and say each person is unique. Or we can zoom all the way out to the species level where all humans are essentially the same.

Take a fertile man and a fertile woman at random from anywhere on the earth. And they'll be able to produce offspring.

Take a fertile man and a fertile man at random, and they cannot. Same for women.

There is an obvious difference between sexes. There's not such an obvious one between races.

[–]Circlesbadnews 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

ETA2: Putting this up top because it's applicable to the rest of my comment: I and pretty much all of the lefties, believe in a distinction between sex and gender. Gender, to me, is just the way we decorate ourselves. Depending on our cultural norms for each sex, the way we decorate ourselves gets us labelled as one gender or the

I agree with you, but the discussion is gender and not sex. The fringe psychos that are claiming that sex is a social construct are irrelevant and their arguments range from disingenuous to plain dishonest.

Meanwhile the majority of the left, and many from other political leanings (like me) believe that gender is a social construct. If it's a social construct, then it is open to a person's own feelings and decisions. The left is also pushing more and more towards race being a social construct. And I get your point that race is much less rigid than sex, but it definitely isn't less rigid than gender. Especially when there IS a genetic component to race and zero genetic component to gender. But with that being said, the people claiming that race is a social construct, are going to have to accept that people will also be trans racial. As in, they identify with a race different than their genetics. Like trannies identify with a gender that doesn't match their biological sex.

ETA: just wanted to add that I really appreciate how well written your comment is. Not trying to be belittling, just trying to acknowledge something I found impressive and high quality.