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[–]AmWomanDontCallMeBro[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Hi! Thank you for being here. So I don't know what my vehicle's deal was, but as soon as the sun was warm enough, I went out there and put the antifreeze / coolant in and started the vehicle and the error light didn't come on again, so voila! I guess? I drove a few hundred more easy uneventful scenic beautiful miles and I'm resting in Nevada somewhere right now, 4 hours to my destination!

Thank you for offering a back door back into Reddit, it's good to know there's a way in I guess, but for now I feel kinda cleansed because I was really a Reddit junkie and it was getting out of control, and reddit itself is getting out of control with overzealous moderators and China owning everything and lack of free speech, and all the repost bots taking over, so perhaps this will be an opportunity to learn how to use my leisure time more productively from now on :-) Or not ; because look at me, as soon as I got a free moment I came straight to saidit

[–]Musky 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No problem, I'm here all the time. Saidit is small but it's got a dedicated user base. You get to know everyone here, it's not like Reddit and the sea of random users. Be sure to read by s/all or new. Things work a little differently because of the size. This entire site is the size of a small reddit sub, so the subs themselves don't really stand alone.

It's possible you just had a sensor malfunction, I get those when it's cold and they clear up when it warms up, but I'd keep an eye on the temperature gauge just in case.

I drove a few hundred more easy uneventful scenic beautiful miles and I'm resting in Nevada somewhere right now, 4 hours to my destination!

That sounds amazing. What's the cooking situation like?

Safe travels, hope you enjoy it here on Saidit.

[–]AmWomanDontCallMeBro[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for giving me the lay of the land. It's helpful.

Yeah it was unusually cold this morning so you may be right, that's probably why my sensors glitched. I learned the hard way February 2021 that my vehicle does not do well in the cold so I headed to California the last couple years but accidentally found myself in Wyoming this morning XD

Cooking? Even when I lived in a house and apartments I never cooked. Cooking doesn't appeal to me but I know most full-fledged vanlifers have a full kitchen with stove and oven and refrigerator.

I chose to have my van built with just a sink with running water and solar panels and electricity & a bed, I don't really need a kitchen. I subsist on this type of stuff: r/Soylent & r/mealreplacements and whatever snacks I'm in the mood for.

Okay well good to meet you musky! Thank you for a warm welcome