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[–]Brent_Kaskel_Pussy_F🛕 Castle Made of Sand 🛕 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I grew up in the hood / right next to the hood so I learned a few things very quickly. One; the hood is full of untreated mental disorders, just like IP2. What do these people react to? Fear. The only thing they understand is fear.

I learned very quickly the value of fear

If you want people to treat you nicely, there's a lot of sayings "give kindness to get kindness" I found that to be entirely untrue. Giving kindness only means that you gave kindness.

You will never control other people.

In fact, if you start out "in the hood," or on IP2, you are dealing with people who CANNOT GIVE RESPECT. These people should be treated as subhuman, which is what they are.

For example I'm nice and kind to the people in my building I live in now. The superintendent starts bulling me, intimidating me, treating me like shit. I do what I can to be nice, create conversations, nothing. It's clear that who I'm dealing with cannot be forged into a human being.

In this case, the right outcome is to expose and destroy that person.

The world is full of mentally ill, evil, personality disordered, mentally deficient and a great percentage of those will destroy anybody they come in contact with (See: SJC)

Do you think SJC would ever treat you well? Do you think there's any single thing you could do to SJC, like sucking him off, or giving him 1000 dollars, that would make him treat you well. Absolutely not.

The idea of being treated well in exchange for treating others well I grew out of early on in life because it simply never came true.

Even now when I treat others well it's simply me treating others well. Giving homeless money, I let a woman with a baby take my place in line today cause how long is she going to be able to hold that baby with 1 arm? I went to the back of the line.

Nobody will ever treat an able bodied male as though he is human.

Once you try this out - be nice to people, and expect to be treated the same in return - you quickly realize that there's a next step to this. You give mercy to those who are fucked up, and to those who can never be fixed, you destroy them.

A large portion of "people" in this world simply look for targets to abuse. For you to rise above, your response to these must be complete destruction towards them. Let them know you can and will obliterate them - and then do it.

[–]Sonofman888[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't think it's entirely untrue but if you expect to receive kindness after giving it you may end up disappointed. Being kind is in my nature but I am not always like this. I have my bad days too lol bc human. I like to think I'm a good judge of character and don't usually expend energy on people who don't make a good first impression on me. I will usually be cordial and respect formality but If I don't like you I probably won't give you much of my time or attention. Being kind is inherent for me.