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[–]screwballeclipsed 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (15 children)

if you don't think jews run everything, then you have had your head in the sand for too long. surely you're not going to believe some random idiot on the internet. so do some research yourself. start with all the major news and media corporations. all the top managerial and ceo's are jews. the federal reserve is not run by the govt. it is run by joos. why do you think almost all the past presidents' children have married joos? check on that and get back to me. if you need help, let me know. oh yeah, many of them 'shapeshift' by changing their names and altering their faces(nosejobs). i hear even wikipedia doesn't list ethnicity anymore because that was how many were finding out the joo.

[–][deleted]  (14 children)


    [–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    The Jews have been scapegoated by Jews that say they're Jews but are not; they are of the synagogue of Satan. They are Khazars; from Ashkenaz.

    The only real Jew is a Torah follower who ALSO follows Yeshua and believes that Yeshua preached the word of God. These Jews are called apostate Jews by the likes of the Chabad, Likud, ultra-orthodox rabbinical "Jews" and nearly every other denomination but most Yeshua following Torah Jews are true followers of Christ. Again, they have to believe Yeshua was their messiah and preached the word of God. They reside mostly in Ethiopia and to a lesser etent Israel and the US.

    Those rich "Jews" you see in banking, the billionaire Jews, yes, they are the Synagogue of Satan.

    [–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

    The smartest and hardest working should rise to the top. Jews are definitely up there.

    By Top you mean following the word of God? Or merely accumulating money? Or speculating on wallstreet?

    [–]screwballeclipsed 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

    that old saying that joos are smarter isn't true. it's just misinformation that (((joos))) have put out there for to appear superior. joos have been cast out of many countries for a reason. ask this of a joo and they will give you some victim story. that is where the 'a jew stabs you as he cries in pain' story comes from. (((they))) will always tell you they were persecuted, but not why.

    why, is it in many countries, is it illegal to question the holocaust? the real holocaust is the bombings of Dresden during WW2 that burned the city to the ground. but i'm not here to give you a history lesson but the holohoax is so full of holes that evidence is covered up. literally. ever think of why there are holohoax museums in most countries, but not others? what about the Armenian genocide by the turks, financed by joos? the holodomor that stalin(joo) and the major communist joo govt. starved 30 million+ Russians? how about the barbary slave trades that africans raided southern europe and enslaved more than the so called atlantic slave trade. nobody talks about that because the joo owns all media and the joo knows (((they))) have to be the ultimate victim.

    so, jews are more cunning, they are more tribal than other races. they are literally the synagogue of satan. their 'bible' if it's called that, the torah or sanhedrin, whatever, states that all nonjoos are cattle. the cattle are to be enslaved. most of the world has been seemingly enslaved.

    too keep this short, because i know like your last generalized statement, you won't address anything, that more people are ignorant. and that's not necessarily a bad thing, cuz most people just want to make a good life, maybe have kids, make money and so on. the joo has worked behind the scenes, with bribes and infecting lower institutions by infiltration, enslaving the world thru debt and usury. the evidence is all around us, all one has to do is, look.

    the joo is the least hardest working of them all. joos are conniving and back stabbing race. they infiltrate and take over. it is already too late to install general ways to prevent too much accumulation of wealth and power. the joo has already subverted and bypassed any in place in america, where i think they make the most of the wealth. the joo corrupts those who police these checks and balances by way of bribes or extortion. look at these 'lockdowns.' with all the small businesses closed, billions of dollars has been transferred to ceo's like beezos. it's sickening.

    edit: the jew calls you anti-semetic, cuz he can't call you a liar

    [–][deleted]  (10 children)


      [–]screwballeclipsed 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (9 children)

      so after a few os changes, i am finally able to collect myself enough to reply.

          that old saying that joos are smarter isn't true. it's just misinformation that (((joos))) have put out there for to appear superior.

      Source? IQ tests aren't perfect, but my understanding is it's the best way we have to measure intelligence, and Jews consistently score higher.

      one reason joos are considered smarter is likely because of their dominance in business. there was a good book about the joo iq myth, but i can't find it now, unfortunately. not too many sources because when the joo own all the publishing houses, how many books does one think will be written shedding light against the your boss? james r. flynn wrote a book about smart people and the singapore chinese who have a higher average iq than others @114.

      joos are mostly tribal, so they have tendencies to hire within their own group. a huge example of this would be to look at any american media company. all upper management or any high and most medium levels of management have a joo. every single one. they appear to be smart because they are cunning, shrewd, deceptive, and many other qualities, when practiced to such an extreme degree, hated by normal people. their infiltration and subversion of the united states, being censored, is finally being exposed as more people are waking up to it. a couple examples of jewry is the federal reserve and the holocaust myth. only a joo could infiltrate a govt. create an institution to print money, at that govt's expense and no expense to the joo, loan it to that govt and charge interest to that govt. or an event in time (supposedly huge) that cannot be found in history books between 1945 and 1965. that's some serious jooing.

       joos have been cast out of many countries for a reason.

      Yes, because of the diaspora. People scapegoat the other, and Jews tend to be the other.

      why do people seem to scapegoat (almost always, that they have been thrown out of over 100 countries) only the joo? never hear about ethiopians being scapegoated,, russians....nope, tibetans? eskimos? it's because joos like to subvert the country they are in. jews don't like things that are beautiful or natural. if they do, then they are doing it to appear in a certain light. they will get plastic surgery to reshape their noses/faces for glamour. they finally have their own country, but infiltrate and subvert every country they are in. look at the united states, nearly every staff memebr of the pres is a joo. son in law- joo, many of the senate are dual citizens. look at past presidents, clinton son in law-joo. it's amusing cuz the last country they were kicked out of was guatemala, a third world shit hole in 2014.

      human condition to dehumanize the other. This is why supporting enlightenment principles and the importance of the individual regardless of their victim group is so important.

      dehumanizing may be true, but not just between the races. good luck changing that. as far a enlightenment, religious and philisophical issues are bullshit. it a way to live your life. facts and proven science should prevail. not feelings and theory.

                   [torah] states that all nonjoos are cattle

      Had to look this up - I guess goyim means cattle. Again, all people do this, it's the human condition to dehumanize the other. This is why supporting enlightenment principles and the importance of the individual regardless of their victim group is so important.

      that whole book is evil, the joos think they were made to rule the world and they are succeeding. through proxy, mostly, they have killed opposition, for they are too lazy to raise a finger for any manual labour.

                     you won't address anything

      Trying now, but it seems like you're pretty deep in this, so I doubt anything I say will have an effect.

      i am pleased you took the time to reply, light will bring out the truth. but you seem to be defending joos more than anything and i have already spent more than 10 minutes on this post.

      Not just Jews, but I suspect they are overrepresented. I think any group that gets power will become corrupt. And the financial systems aren't all bad - they're the means that fund the economies, and many non-Jews invest.

      so jews have, by proxy destroyed every attempt to make a better financial institution. they know better. for example, when Ghaddafi said he was going to make a gold backed currency(he had a lot of gold) the (corrupted by joos) corrupt clinton bombed him for what, i don't know, but now europe is flooded with animals. how about hitler, who outlawed interest (usury) on most loans, bounced the country back from the depression faster than any other country. joos fukin hated that, especially since that was their livelyhood doing nothing for money. so the jews in russia, dressed in polish uniforms stared killing ethnic germans in the land that was annexed to poland from germany in ww1. pissed hitler off and he invaded poland. or how about abraham lincoln, who wanted to create a better currency, 'greenbacks' got him killed.

      Again, we need better institutions to prevent the hoarding of power and wealth, and that will address the cases of Jews doing this, but not only Jews do this - power corrupts...

      america has better institutions but joos lobby politicians, bribe them to passing laws that benefit corporations that make investigations or wrong-doings disappear or red tape everything into a bureaucracy. they're masters at that.

      [–][deleted]  (8 children)


        [–]screwballeclipsed 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

        joos are mostly tribal

        All people are

        how many companies can you say, other than joos, that have top management, ceo, coo, managerial , etc that are one race. for example, media has all top positions occupied by joos. it's a communist tactic to take control of the media. sure, most people prefer their own race and a jew made up the word racism(lev bronsteen) to demonize europeans to shred their self protective instincts.

        [why scapegoat only the joo]

        Because they're usually the minority group in a population, one that doesn't get sympathy because of how well they do. And it's not only Jews - every immigrant group that stands out from the residing population has trouble

        could you give any examples of this? other than joos?

        The Enlightenment, the belief that the individual has value, is what has enabled the modern world to survive, for different peoples to cooperate in their own self-interest. Without Enlightenment principles, we'd default to small tribal groups, and the modern world wouldn't function. It's funny that my arguments here are the exact same I'd use against SJWs.

        i am not schooled in any enlightenment, but individual liberty, religious freedom are agreeable. helping the modern world survive, that's stretching it. sjw, i am not. i despise them.

        I'm only defending them by saying that everyone else is just as bad

        everyone else is not just as bad. name another religion/people that has religious text to enslave the world. test that states a joo can kill a non-joo, and it's not a problem. islam is close.

        I don't know enough about the history you're talking about to comment on this. I'm against the US' never-ending wars, and I see that there is a big Israeli influence there, but I don't believe that makes all Jews evil.

        without looking too far into history, look at the middle east. why do you think the united states is involved in the middle east? is it really oil? was there weapons of mass distraction. no, the zog controlled u.s. keeps manufacturing stuff to send the army there. the zog is destroying its enemies in the middle east. i don't think i said all joo are evil, you did.

        I have never been an R, but I supported Trump in this last election.

        trump is controlled by the zog. he's done some stuff for the people, but i am tired of waiting, but still hoping maybe he might come through. his daughter had to marry a joo, all of his cabinet are joos(almost). joos rule by proxy. they funded the turks to kill the armenians cuz joos hate christians. i can check out dave smith. thank you for your thoughts.

        [–][deleted]  (6 children)


          [–]screwballeclipsed 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

          I believe in individual achievement, and culture has a big role in that. For examples, blacks from the West Indies do very well in America, while blacks underperform in America overall.

          sure, i guess one could say an individual can achieve. is there any fields of employment that have any particular race at all levels of upper management. notice that joos are at the top of nearly every industry that doesn't require manual labor of any kind.

          every immigrant group that stands out from the residing population has trouble

          i was genuinely curious, but a few different races, sure, there's going to be some, somewhere that are upset at a certain group. but 109+ times? over and over and over again. how come the world never learns? then (((they))) make up a story about being gassed or burned so npc's will feel sorry for them. (pdf warning)

          i can see your point on horseshoe theory, but i couldn't give a shit. i would bet the world that everyone will never be equal.

          name another religion/people that has religious text to enslave the world...

          i knew right when i typed this it was pointless, but left it. moslems poped in my head right when i finished. religion is poison.

          ... look at the middle east. why do you think the united states is involved ...

          Yes, oil is a big part of it. And a military-industrial complex that builds its own demand. And Israel is a big part, too.

          isreal is the larger part of it. the oil was negligible. there's plenty of oil in the u.s. the poppy fields was an added benefit. control of the middle east is isntreals goal. the greater isreal project. started by stealing land from palestine, which isntreal still is.

          The system is controlled by the rich and powerful, and many of those are jewish, granted. But the establishment has been against Trump for the last 4 years and stole the election because he is not controlled. I think we were scheduled to start some new wars by now, and the military-industrial complex isn't happy we're behind schedule - there were 0 new wars under Trump

          trump still controlled, maybe not everthing zog wanted to happen did, but why the joo son in law? the bush's kids i think were gay, clintons donkey married a joo. they're all controlled. part of having money i guess.

          [–][deleted]  (4 children)
