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[–]dcjogger[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Everyday the US just gets worse.

Americans walk around like zombies thinking everything is fine.

The Bill of Rights has been repealed.

The debt just keeps growing.

The US is conducting multiple wars, but the government won't say where, protesting is illegal, and Americans are too degraded to care.

Americans are so retarded and blinded by hate now that they hate illegal immigrants, love trade wars, want guns banned, want the minimum wage raised, and demand that college be free.

The elites are trying to mop up any remaining shred of liberty by banning declawing, sunscreen, straws, texting, vaping, and dog meat and Americans praise every asinine decree.

Americans used to fight Nazis and Commies, but now have become Nazis and Commies.

Americans used to love morality, personal responsibility, balanced budgets, peace, and freedom, but now Americans love immorality, dependence, debt, war, and tyranny.

The US collapse is one of the most disgusting events in history.

Maybe the USA won't collapse for 30 more years, but the US imploding next year seems just as likely.

Why not get out while you can?