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[–]LabTech 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're not picking up what I'm putting down: that doesn't mean jack if the DNC has made it clear that Biden's the choice; you don't think them calling a lid on any notion of a debate isn't indicative? If the Democrats felt ANY of those people were fit to fill the office, we'd have already heard tons of puff pieces about them, and we'd be bandying their names about in discussion already... instead all we hear are the crickets singing inside Biden's ears. Sanders and Gabbard are proof that the party doesn't want reformers, so anyone that would actually be marketable across the aisles is doomed.

Yeah, those people won in swing states: all that proves is the voter fraud is very effective, especially when most states are red aside from deep blue enclaves that hold enough districts to give Dems a better-than-average shot. Don't ever confuse electoral victory with agreement with the policies that will be enacted.