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[–]Questionable[S] 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (6 children)

My apologies. What you did was "name calling", in labeling Putin a "war Monger" which takes even less effort than the comparison of whataboutism. I gave you too much credit. The mistake was mine.

[–]Site_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Let's see. Has he engendered any wars.

  1. He attacked the apartment buildings in Moscow to build public support for the second chechnyan war.

  2. He went to war with Georgia to steal abkhazia and Ossetia

  3. He started a proxy war with Ukraine to steal luhansk/Donetsk

  4. He joined the Syrian civil war as an Assad proxy

  5. He invaded ukraine again and kicked off one of history's bloodiest wars and then said it was because he wanted to gather Russian lands like Peter the Great.

It's not really name-calling is it. It's an accurate description of a brutal fascist warmonger.

[–]Questionable[S] 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

It's not really name-calling is it. It's an accurate description of a brutal fascist warmonger.

Yes. of course he did. I now see the error of my way. Please forgive me for living the vile life, that I do. You put those in bullet points. I can not Question these facts. You of all people are the sole authority and arbiter on "War Mongers", Putin's motivations, and every action he has ever taken. And we can not make any comparisons to Iraq, the U.S or Afghanistan , or else "Whataboutism". He truly is the Adolf Hitler of our time.

The super Villain Putin the War Monger is a real thing, and it is our patriotic duty to support Ukraine during our gay pride parades. All hail LGBTQ+ American patriots against Russian tyranny, provided that you support abortions for all birthing people, and are vaccinated, boosted and masked, eating a clean vegan diet, and commuting to work in an environmentally friendly way.

Let me know if there is anything else I can agree with you on. As I may not Question the narrative, as that the bad man has caused inflation, gas price increases, and formula shortages, using is evil plan, that effects our supply line, here in American, with the reach of his evil claws that grasp at our throats.

[–]Site_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Please share your thoughts. I am not stopping you. Do you think he's a peaceful guy? Should Russia's neighbours be worried about him? Don't just be sarcastic, this is a place of open discussion.

And we can not make any comparisons to Iraq, the U.S or Afghanistan , or else "Whataboutism".

That's correct, but incase you can't tell, i really want to talk about what warmongers the habsburgs and ottomans were, so if you really can't stop yourself from whatabouting then I'd prefer something eu4-related compared to modern USA.

Gas prices, vaccines, vegans, lgbt

I have no idea how these things are relevant to the discussion that Putin is a vile fascist stain.

[–]Questionable[S] 4 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

Yes, I get it now. The deep state has so many cards they can still play. They can still pump more money into hyper inflation, crippling our economy. Disarm the American people, dissolve the courts, and send even more weapons to Ukraine. And last but not least, start world war III before Putin gets a chance to. All in order to save the children of course. Clearly this is not the final play for the deep state! They've got all kinds of ways they can stop the terrible super villain war monger Putin! Including, yet not limited too, biological and nuclear weapons. The entire premise of my thread? House of cards, of which you have blown down with your mighty breath! The fool? me of course.

I dare think the humane deep state has limits. But there are none when fighting demons such as Mother Russia! The poison dripping from her foul lactating breasts of doom! Surely they will kill every last man woman and child on this earth to save the children of Ukraine, and not for their baking system, of which they will toss out on a whim in order to save just one Ukrainian infant's life!

Stand strong brother! For we have only yet begun to die for our country of Ukraine, home of the white nationalists. But the good kind, not the bad kind that use their white privilege like here in American. I spit on them! I spit on them all! For being white, and bad Americans!

I'm sorry. What was the topic again? Cards? Hitler. I'm so confused. just tell me what to say, and I'll say it. Verbatim. PM me a script at least, because I am way off script right now. I look to you for guidance now, oh teller of truth.

[–]Site_sux 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The deep state has so many cards they can still play. They can still pump

The thread, which you posted, is about the G7 states. According to the tweet you posted, this "final move" to ban gold imports is "all cards on the table". Now you sarcastically say that there are "so many cards". So which do you believe - that the G7 states are truly out of moves against Russia now that gold imports are banned? Or do you believe that there are more options remaining (you sarcastically list a few here, like sending more weapons to Ukraine).

Either you genuinely think the G7 are out of options, or you think they have more moves up their sleeves. If the former, then it's a bit loopy that you go on to say that they still could send more weapons. If the latter, then this tweet was a pretty stupid thing to post, wasn't it.

I'm sorry. What was the topic again

You posted this thread bro. You're the one making stupid points that you can't back up. So you can keep posting these deranged rants but it just makes it clear to everyone that

  1. You're unable to stay on topic

  2. You first said Putin wasn't a warmonger, then when pressed, when on a sarcastic rant that didn't back up your position

  3. You either do or don't believe in the tweet you posted, and it's weird that this far into the conversation we still don't know which

  4. You admittedly can't discuss the wars in Chechnya and Georgia without going off on whatabout tangents

I really don't think you're capable of holding a conversation for this long. Let's see if you can address any of these points or just go on another deranged rant about vegans and whiteness

[–]Questionable[S] 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)