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[–]jamesK_3rd 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Full stop..

The US govt, Anthony Fauci and his minions, have been actively funding, researching and weaponized this.

Obama wanted this research hidden, so they basically said you need to need to do like everyone else, play the shell corporation game, and give us deniability.

The research being conducted was paid in large part by the US, and it's people.

If the Chinese lab leaked it accidentally, or intentionally, blame is still largely on the backs of the American people. It's hard not to believe that someone didn't order this, conveniently in the last year of a president that no one liked..... a virus that would terrorize the people thanks to the media but would really only target the sick and infirmed, and later on target those who are younger thanks to the media and govt agencies restricting early treatments.

Blame will likely stay with China, because the west is largely responsible for this genocide.

[–]TheFlailingOfLegs 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

blame is still largely on the backs of the American people

Nope. The American people aren't the ones making the decisions regarding funding a Chinese lab. It is very specific people to which you are referring. And those very specific people, like Fauci, should be held accountable.

[–]jamesK_3rd 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

We still blame the Germans for going along with the Nazis, because a lot of them did.

This isn't new, Fauci and the NIH were experimenting on people with AIDS 20 years ago. It isn't even a new thing before that, Tuskegee experiments.. or the missing samples of influenza from 100yrs ago.

The US is a representative republic. If you are willing to say the people of the US aren't responsible for the actions of the representatives they elect... then, please pick your form of Chinese authoritarianism, because you do not understand the Constitution, or the documents undergirding it, the declaration of independence...

But again, this is the fundamental problem facing the US and why the US is, and will largely be a failed state.

It isn't because the constitution failed, it is because it's people are lost and do not understand the who/what/why of it's foundations. The constitution is for a very different people, and is culturally irrelevant now. The US is, for all intents and purposes, staying together for the kids.

It's very plain to see on the left, but you sir are an outstanding example of how it is exactly the same on the right, just with a different spin.

[–]TheFlailingOfLegs 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We still blame the Germans for going along with the Nazis, because a lot of them did.

False equivalence there bud. The Germans did go along with the Nazis and participated in heinous acts. Last I checked, none of my neighbors are involved in gain of function research. As a matter of fact, most Americans weren't even aware of such research until after the pandemic was underway.

This isn't new, Fauci and the NIH were experimenting on people with AIDS 20 years ago... The US is a representative republic.

Again, you are confused about the details of your argument. People that have been in government for decades, like Fauci, are not in positions elected by the people.

But again, this is the fundamental problem facing the US and why the US is, and will largely be a failed state.

The fundamental problem in the United States of America is a lack of critical thinking, which you have put on full display. This will be one of the reasons the United States will fail. People that buy into the leftist ideologies are completely lacking in this ability.