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[–]Rob3122[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Oh look you're talking about fictional documents from the 70s when the holohoax was created in Hollywood. I'm talking about 1945 when the red cross did their investigation. Of course they accept that the holohoax was real because if they didn't they'd be labeled antisemitic lol. You can't even prove the gas chamber lie because it was manufactured so poorly. That's why the jews moved onto "they burned the jews in ovens which was also proven false especially with the ridiculous 6 million number it wouldn't have been possible. Then you have all those interviews they removed from most websites where you have jews talking about the soccer games, concerts and other activities at those fake "concentration camps" or "death camps". If I can find the video again I'll be sure to give you a link that exposes the lie that is Auschwitz and the bullshit gas chambers aka bathrooms and shower rooms.