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[–][deleted]  (6 children)


    [–]StillLessons 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

    I've always been a "watch what they do" kind of political observer.

    You're right. The Democrats right now are the public face of a lot of these policies. What I find consistently true, however, is that whenever in the past 40 years a terrible idea has passed, it passes because just enough of whoever "the opposition" is (currently Reps; during the Trump years it was Dems) permits it to go through. The truly terrible ideas always pass, and they always have sufficient support from the "opposition of the day" to get through. Currently happening with the infrastructure bill. Covid authoritarianism (the most important issue of our day) is being actively promoted from all parties.

    The loud faces (currently Dems) give us "someone to shout at", but the policies that pass (and they always get the worst ones through) tell us this is about more than either party alone.

    [–][deleted]  (4 children)


      [–]StillLessons 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

      Your TLDR illustrates the problem nicely.

      The voters are separate from the people they are voting for. The people they are voting for are betraying them when it matters most. Perhaps voting for this party doesn't achieve more than voting for the other? If you agree with that, then identifying yourself according to a tribe where the elders are going to fuck you over every time it counts is no more helpful than identifying yourself with the tribe who tells you outright what they're about to do to you.

      Faith in hierarchical systems in general is the root source of trouble for those of us who believe in individual liberty. Far too easy for "leadership" to tell you what you want to hear, then stab you in the back for their own gain.

      [–][deleted]  (2 children)


        [–]StillLessons 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

        This is an excellent exchange. Thanks for the back and forth.

        Trump is an enigma to me, honestly, because I see two contradictory elements within his actions. First, I agree with you that him calling out the establishment for the absolute liars and fraud they are is a HUGE (pun intended) service to the people of the US. People who want to see can now easily see that he is absolutely correct that his enemies are the opposite of the moral rebirth they are pretending to be. You're right on the money there.


        There are now stories all over the place about the people from the 1/6 events at the Capitol and how they have been treated by our "justice" system. These stories are overwhelmingly disturbing and evidentiary of an actual "1984" system operating within the United States. Where the hell is Trump!?!? This is absolutely his ground. First, those people were there because he told them to be. They are his direct responsibility. Why the hell do I hear nothing from him on this subject? Second, this should be his perfect PR campaign. Is he trying to distance himself from them so he is not politically attached to the violence that occurred? If so, too late... of course he's attached to those people. He can't avoid that. Instead, it just looks like he's abandoned his base to actual, real-world torture.

        For this kind of behavior, I refuse to label him a saviour.

        The three who are closest to being consistent in their message that I see on a national stage are DeSantis - actions where his mouth is, Rand Paul - refusing to back down in the face of the obvious Covid lies, and Ron Johnson - bringing to public light the actual damage done by vaccines.