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[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 10 insightful - 2 fun10 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

The viral vector (adenovirus) vaccines are not the only vaccines causing problems. The mRNA vaxes are also causing a lot of problems with clotting and strokes.

It seems that both types of vaccines are resulting in a lot of platelet destruction and supression of platelet production. Platelet destruction seems to be associated with a high amount of clotting (diffuse intravascular coagulation) which is sometimes seen in viral or other infections, such as covid itself.

At least with the RNA vaccine, the platelets may be reproducing the covid spike protein which causes the antibodies to attack and destroy them. I feel less confident about how that process is happening in the viral vector vaccines. But younger women, particularly those on oral contraception could be at particular risk from these problems.

The more “traditional” covid vaccines that have been produced are two chinese vaccines and an indian one. Epoch Times reported several deaths due to one of the chinese made ones in Hong Kong, but I didnt hear the details of that.

Any vaccine can trigger an autoimmune illness in a recipient because of the nature of how immunity works. People that have family history of autoimmune illnesses of any kind are at higher risk. So are women, who are about 5 or 10 times more likely to develop autoimmunity. So are people under 55 or so.

Vaccines have trade offs. If you have more risks than benefits with a vaccine, why would you get it? It does not make sense for most younger people to get this jab IMO. Antivirals work very well on covid if you get them early.

[–]AirSeddit88 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

At least with the RNA vaccine, the platelets may be reproducing the covid spike protein which causes the antibodies to attack and destroy them.

The mRNA "vaccine" is no vaccine. It is an injectable autoimmune disease. Cause the body's cells to produce a foreign protein and you cause the body's immune system to attack the body. Why wouldn't anyone get autoimmune disease from that is what I'd like to know. I'd also like to know who gets to decide just how many people have to die from a vaccine to save how many other people from a virus before it qualifies as premeditated serial murder.

"Vaccines have trade offs. If you have more risks than benefits with a vaccine, why would you get it?" Because the government will inject you anyway as it throws you in prison if you refuse -? Because you can't get a job without Certificate of Vaccination ID (COV ID)? Because every media channel owned by a billionaire anywhere is maxxxing out their fear porn to stampede the public into consenting to poisonous eugenicist injections while accepting the controlled demolition of the middle class en route to global totalitarian government AKA "The Great Reset" - ? Maybe? Just sayin'.

The evidence is in and lawsuits are underway against the promoters of the pandemic narrative. That narrative is driven by false positives from the PCR test which, according to it's inventor, cannot detect live infection, only the molecular crumbs, alive or dead. Who want an excellent summary, please follow Attorney Reiner Fuellmich and in the USA, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The perps have built a house of cards. Two courts have already declared the PCR test driven testing to be not-fit-for-purpose and declared lockdown measures illegal - in Portugal and Ecuador. Hundreds of lawyers around the world are filing more lawsuts. "The Davos Universe" will be held accountable for this crime against humanity.

Reiner Fuellmich Corona Scandal article:

PCR Test

[–]InvoluntaryHalibut 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I dont totally agree that the mRNA is an autoimmune disease any more than any viral infection is. Viruses also cause your body to synthesize foreign proteins — the whole virus themselves.

I dont know who decides what acceptable losses are. But I know we cant rely on government and corporate data about the injuries and deaths.

PCR is one of several technologies to detect viruses. IMO it works fine if you understand the information its giving you. In the case of covid test, some people who do not have a true infection or who have a minor infection that is unlikely to spread virus or even cause symptoms are testing positive. At which point people fly in to an hysteria. Its not good.

Everyone needs to know who the davos crowd is, names and pictures, family members and what cities they live in. They need to be persona non grata everywhere. They should be recognized everytime they walk down the street.