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[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

not paid that well compared to the private market.

I think that is a very loaded way to put it. It implies they aren't paid enough, or "what they are worth" which are extremely subjective and political ideas. I think a better way to put it is that teaching is not a very competitive field, not just because the pay is low, but because it is not prestigious and a lot of men avoid it because men are not trusted with children. I don't think most teachers aspired to be scientists and failed. I think they never aspired to be much at all, and went into teaching to be around kids, have an easy job, have lots of vacation, not do physical labor or have real quotas and measurable performance.

Of those who failed into teaching it probably went more along the lines of not having concrete goals but rather vague notions of wanting to have a job as a biologist or inventor and not really understanding what that means or how to achieve it. Just sort of steering blindly in that direction hoping to run into a career. Then as time went by and it didn't happen they settled into teaching and rationalized how they always really wanted to be a teacher anyway.

I think most would say its hard to become a teacher too, because they applied to all these schools and it took several years to get a job. But realistically they didn't get the job by beating out less qualified competition. It was always just a matter of persistence, because there are so many applicants and so few jobs. They think that is what makes a job competitive. But that's not how it works. You aren't allowed to give IQ tests to hire the best teacher. There is no way to test who is the better teacher, or more intelligent. The only thing that increases your chance of getting hired are diversity points, which just lower the quality of teachers further.

But the real reason they should distrust teachers is not their lack of qualification, but their willingness to lie. The lower the IQ the more willing a person is to lie. The more often they have to do it to hide their mistakes and to get ahead. The more they rely on others and behave in group think and collectivism. That means they value feelings over facts. These are people who will always go with the crowd even when they know it's wrong.

The best example of this is what happened to Bret Weinstein. All the faculty in his school turned on him, and by all accounts he was as liberal as they get, just slightly less willing to be racist in order to go with the crowd. And they all turned on him like a bunch of pack animals that smelled blood.

It's not their stupidity per se that gets them to push propaganda; it's how politically biased, arrogant, and self righteous they are.

[–]Akali 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You've got some great point there. I feel like it goes together though. If they both increase the requirement to be a teacher, had IQ test and provided higher wage, it could become a proffessions of merit.

I'm thinking of thing they do in Ireland where in the 60 place in the Senate, 6 chair are only elected by University graduate which give prestige to university degree. They also give many specific group specific voting rights such a farmers and fishery or local towns.

If we want better teachers, we need to make it worth it for the ambitions and talented. Because right now, it isn't.