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[–]rainbow80 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The ruling powers want you dead.

Freedom is a proven way to make people wealthy and happy, but now everyone is embracing tyranny.

The elites control the governments, Wall Street, the media, and Hollywood.

Everyone knows something is wrong, but no one resists.


The globalists are systematically destroying the USA by starting wars, increasing the debt, offshoring jobs, importing refugees and illegal aliens, enacting regulations, raising taxes, and supporting bailouts and welfare.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The USA is not a democracy. Americans are only allowed to vote for a tyrant or a dictator. The election machines can be hacked.

Protesting is illegal.

Americans should be joining militias now, but they are too weak and brainwashed.

The economy has collapsed.

The US cultural, political, and economic systems are imploding.

The ruling class knows that they are running out of time because the 99% are waking up.

Tomorrow will be worse.

Why work if the elites will take everything you have through inflation, taxes, fees, fines, and forfeiture?

Americans must be mobile now. Stay near the ocean and borders. Buy a sailboat, guns, gold, and food.

Pass the word.