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[–]Leo_Littlebook 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Nonsense. Aryan is an accurate term, that reflects Aryan conquests to e.g. Iran and India. White supremacism is a barely existent boogeyman conjured by loxist Jews. Aryans are the only race that had the power to rule the world and declined to ruthlessly exploit it. Now they don't even have the power anymore, nor will they ever again.

And obviously, the reason to use Aryan instead of European is that Europe is a geography, not an ethnicity. The MSM labels Sudanese living in Europe as "Europeans", and in a sense they're correct. Therefore a precise ethnic label should be used to disambiguate, and Aryan is the correct term, just like Semitic. There is absolutely no reason why indigenous Europeans shouldn't have their own sub-label within Caucasian.

In the USA, it's even worse. "White" is a term used to embrace Semitics, Slavics and even some Hamitics, completely denying and obscuring the identity of heritage Americans, but with plausible correctness due to skin tone. The solution is obviously "Aryan-American".

Politically correct anthropologists tried to deprecate the term Aryan, only to have their justifications exploded by the assault of the geneticists, who disproved their pious assertions that Aryans could never have been continental conquerors.

If anti-Aryans want to erase our ethnic identity, then they can do it the old fashioned way, with bullets and blades instead of envy and lies.