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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

the man in the video is deceiving you, in a very subtle way.

Please, elaborate on your claim. I am open-minded.

The whole entire video he contentiously says if police continue to enforce the (non-existent) laws they are, that violate people's freedoms/the Bill of Rights, it will take society down a path of violence. He's explaining to them why the path they're on is wrong using the Bill of Rights and Constitution as his source (and to be honest, we can already see signs of unrest that go unreported or are blackout'd by the MSM, but are reported by local or alternative media.. There have been many protests due to unfair and unreasonable/unnecessary arrests, as well as the enforcement of non-existant laws that violate people's liberties secured by the Bill of Rights/Constitution, that the media will not report on. People have protested and gathered outside of officer's houses..).

This is the exact opposite of what he wants, and he says if police continue on the path they're on, what we're seeing now will only get worse, both in terms of society's anger, and in terms of the stripping of our liberty and freedoms.

I, along with the majority of people on YouTube, aren't even the target demographic for this video; he is speaking to fellow cops, not to civilians. This video and message were originally meant for fellow LEOs in the US, not for civilians; it has since been reuploaded and spread.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    in the video, he sounds like he is warning you about what is happening

    Again, the video is meant for fellow police officers - it's a monologue to fellow police officers, and he's trying to support his point. How is he supposed to describe his point, what he is seeing and what he's trying to express may happen if fellow officers don't stop behaving this way, if he doesn't use words you "dislike"? If he doesn't cite examples? He advocated for non-violence the whole video, the whole reason he created the video was to potentially wake up fellow LEO to avoid continuing going down this path that could potentially lead to discord in society and violence.

    I can't say this enough: you are not the target demographic of this video, he is not warning you, nor I, of anything. He's describing behaviors that he sees that are wrong among his "brothers in blue", being practiced by fellow officers, and telling them why their actions are wrong using the Bill of Rights and Constitution as his source for why their actions as of late have been wrong. He's also letting them know what may potentially happen if they continue going down this path - it will further divide civilians and police when they should be working together.

    I honestly don't know what part of this you don't understand.

    i dont trust him.

    what is he doing?

    you are a liar.

    stop him.

    i must find a way to trick him.

    okay d00d, hope you feel better.