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[–]wristaction 22 insightful - 4 fun22 insightful - 3 fun23 insightful - 4 fun -  (3 children)

Progressives are just evil people.

Have you swallowed that pill yet? This is what they press for; to fuck with your children's minds and hormones. It's not a thought they entertain idly. They are prepared to take your fucking children and imprison you over it. Like an evil witch from a fairy tale.

The progressives you know are not dopey and mistaken. They aren't "so open-minded their brains fell out". They are evil.

You should hate them. It's good to hate progressives. If you don't hate progressives with the ferocity of a mama bear defending her cubs, you have a problem. You're askew.

[–]bobbobbybob 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

read the UNESCO early childhood curriculum.

then homeschool

[–]TRANSGENDER_WHORE 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

when children are homeschooled, will you let them have DRAG QUEEN STORYTIME?

parents are selfish.

[–]bobbobbybob 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

obviously, no.