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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


On April 17, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Xtianity [Christianity] is in direct opposition to Judaism as it opens faith up to all through the savior. It's INCLUSIVE. Teaches forgiveness and truthfulness. Judaism is EXCLUSIVE based bloodlines and teaches revenge and deception. They are polar opposites. Stop saying judeo-christian values."

I can understand his anger.

On April 7, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Jews are a demographic threat to an arabic state, they can go back to Poland."

Don’t agree with that, for many Jews lived peacefully with Arabs.

On January 30, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “You know Iran contra was very much a bunch of American Jews. Neocons and 911 same both Iraq wars same, Syria same Iran sanctions same hmm sensing a pattern here."

I agree with that, and CIA agents as well. Elliot Abrams a Jew was part of the Iran-Contra scandal, he was then pardoned and no works for Trump.

On January 24, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “I wish we did have Russian nationalist in our government. Unfortunately all we got are israel firsters in both gov and media." That’s a little odd, why say Russian nationalist. An Israeli nationalist in the Whitehorse is just as bad, but a Russian Nationalist? That’s a bizarre statement to make. How about an American patriot?

On November 25, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Christianity is a service religion for the Jews."

I don’t agree with that, though we are servants to all people and love even our enemies. That doesn’t mean Christians are barred from speaking truth and exposing treachery and the principalities of darkness. I love all people including shills and those who love money more than righteousness living. I pray that they seek Christ.

On October 27, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Most of America is white. % wise most mass shooters are Jewish."

He keeps pushing this shooting narrative. I know, and I think others, that most highly publicized mass shootings are PSYOPS. Unfortunately, Dawson will not touch PSYOPS.

On May 18, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Jewish success is because of nepotism and people already in power converting to Judaism so they could continue the practice of usury. Being a parasite requires a host."

A person who says he is Jewish can become successful as court Jews did because of nepotism, yes, but do not equate that with all Jews. Just as a Catholic, who says he follows Jesus becomes successful through lies and the love of money. It doesn’t mean we must equate all Catholics and Christians with this behavior.

On May 14, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Judaism has always been f**ked up. It divided the world into us and them. What made both religions reform was neighbors with superior technology and militaries."

I can understand his anger, some teachings in Judaism are quite backwards and racist.

On May 10, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Judaism pathologically breeds psychopaths." I don’t agree.

On May 9, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “It is not ‘The Jews’ being a supremacist a** hole isn’t genetic it’s cultural. Judaism is a backwards religion that fosters backwards hateful people. But their is no Jewish race only a self proclaimed clique defined by identity and holocaustianity."

He goes overboard with his tweets and it would help if he explained himself in a more clam manner without all the fallacies. Why, Ryan, do you think Jews are supremacists? Why do you think it is backwards or a practice stuck in the past, I certainly could give some examples.

On May 29, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “‘The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States.’ -Osama bin Laden."

I agree, but not Diaspora Jews, nor all Jews. But yes, there is a large proportion of Zionists who are in government as well as dual-Israelis but so to are their WASPS and gentiles, who sometimes go against Israeli interests, but they are usually kicked out of congress, if not, a counter-intelligence operation. For you must make the pledge to Israel, if you ever want to make it far as a politician.

That same day, Dawson also tweeted: “There exists a government within a government within the United States. The US should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself...That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."

I agree wholeheartedly.

On October 27, 2018, following the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, Dawson posted a video on Youtube for the ANC Report, titled: “Synagogue murders, Chosen Ones Lives Matter."

An entirely fake PSYOP shooting, and a badly orchestrated one at that with criss actors laughing on ABC news, the day their alleged relatives were killed. An Active shooter drill by DHS was also held in the current vicinity a week before, just like the one in San Diego, another fake shooting with actors with aliases.

Dawson said [00:00:34]: “this will be reported all over the news everywhere all day long. Unlike the over 200 Palestinians, many of them children, who have been murdered by Israeli snipers since March. And these aren’t some crazy person or lunatics, this is state ordained mass murder. They shoot kids in the face and the media doesn’t report it." I agree.

March participants sent scores of kites bearing explosive devices across Israel’s border to burn Israeli crops and homes. Participants also attempted to breach the border fence, which caused the Israeli Defense Forces to respond with live fire.

Didn’t have to use the word kike, he only discredits himself.

Dawson went on to say [00:01:28]: “Jewish lives matter. Palestinian lives don’t matter, your own children don’t matter. You will see endless press on every three letter network about this synagogue shooting. You will not see one story about one shooting of Palestinians by the self proclaimed Chosen race of God…"

Well, Dawson, why won’t you touch PSYOPs or the fakery of many of these events, including the 9/11 hijacking PSYOP? Seems quite bizarre that you choose to ignore this vital truth.

On October 27, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “...the total blackout in mas media one one type of killing done over two hundred times, and another type of killing which we all know will be on every network. This kind of censorship voicelessness and de-platforming is exactly WHY some nut lost it and shot some jews."

Promotes the PSYOP shooting, like Adam Green does. The synagogue shooting was a drill and it was solely used to create the incentive to censor social media sites. Gabb(ai), owned by a Zionist, had a user, do the deeds of the synagogue, ie help in the faking of a drill as pretext to pass policies, PSYOPs which are now legal under the NDAA. After all Gabbai stands for doing the deeds of the synagogue.

Dawson added: “They were in the middle of a genital mutilation ritual when the shooter arrived."

Again, clear as day, with any amount of research into the narrative, laughing family members, who took to themselves that they would conduct multiple interviews before grieving and police reports and DHS drills taken place, that it was clearly a drill – a PSYOP. I think Dawson knows this too.

On September 2, 2017, Dawson tweeted: “Charlottesville attacker is Jewish. Had he ran over someone in Israel they'd give him a metal. ."

Another PSYOP. Most of the White Supremacists were Jewish Bolshevik Zionists. Or the Alt-right people. Lovers of Duginism and chaos magic.

That same day, Dawson tweeted: “Which war did lame stream media not support? It's an arm of the state. And by state I mean Israel."

Partly true.

On March 23, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “Trump is a zio-b**ch controlled by Israel."

No doubting that. I would say, the Israeli government and Zionist funders.

On March 23, 2019, Dawson also tweeted: “...It is ISRAEL not RUSSIA who controls US elections and puppets [U.S. President] Donald Trump."

I agree, but Russia is on good terms with Mossad and Israel too.

On July 12, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “Imagine if the press spoke of the actual Israeli collusion, spying, election meddling, and influence as much as they do about fictional Russian influence. It’s almost like Jewish power has an ax to grind with Putin…"

See this is where he fails to reason that the Necons, mostly Jewish Zionists have various foreign policy directives. Some are neoliberals and globalists, in that sense, they have decided to welcome multilateralism if it means Israel will benefit from the Belt Road Initiative with Russia and China, and others still yet, despise this association, partly because of anti-Stalinit beliefs during the Cold war and the ousting of the former Bolsheviks under Lennin and Trotsky. They remote a form of Americanism, only if it benefits Israel but attack any support for Multilateralism. For example German Jewish Neocon, Joffe, advocated multilateralism on the part that Germany would benefit from its association but also Israel. He then goes onto conclude that this would allow the fall of a unipolar world, and thus the destruction of America.

On June 6, 2018, Dawson tweeted: “911 was a jointly conducted covert operation by the US an Israel which used proxy forces as useful idiots at the bottom, the same as they did in Iran Contra and Syria."

I agree.

On February 7, 2019, Dawson tweeted: “There was a Holocaust. What I can't stand is when good people knock down exaggerations like soap and lampshades, gas disguised as showers, human hair mattresses, and people (not corpses) thrown into ovens, they will be labeled deniers."

I agree with much of what Dawson states and his support for BDS and his expose of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.