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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

France is pretty much done for and this is a common view among people who are DR or DR-adjacent. Gottfried and MartinezPerspective are two of those content creators who have expressly stated this view. Martinez rightly observes this merely comparing the French sports teams to those of Sweden or Spain. The French team is practically a Francophone African team; the others are actually still predominantly European. Yes, in spite of Spain having masses of Hispanics and MENAs and Sweden plenty of MENAs and blax. Yes, despite the rightfully deserved poor reputation that Sweden receives in these quarters, France comes out worse. But it is hardly surprising that the birthplace of much of liberalism is likely to be the first to reach the tipping point.

One thing that might delay the whole wider collapse is that the rapid and accelerating degeneration of a few of these countries will likely raise racial consciousness in those Eastern European countries who are at the very least a few decades behind. Of course, it may well be that people continue not to associate these undeniable declines with their causes. But it is okay to lose some countries if that is the only way to save the rest.

My guess is Macron no lesser than 54% and RN no higher than 46%. Le Pen #1 and the Maricon #2 in the first round. I can only wish that Melenchon beats Macron for second place since RN would actually defeat Melenchon in the second round. But the Leftists know the score and we'll probably see a big turnout for the Maricon in the second round from those who vote Green Left (EELV, etc.), Red Left (PS, PCF, etc.), the "centre" (Radical, etc.) and many LR voters. That just leaves CDP, DLF and the rest of the LR voters to vote RN in the second round.

Another outcome I wouldn't mind is a centre-right candidate going to the second round instead of Macron. The Leftists will vote still that person over Le Pen, and so we'd still get someone better than Macron. But I'd still rather a far-leftist so that an RN presidency becomes possible (RN would get practically all of the LR voters, probably even much of the "centre" like Macron's own LREM in that scenario). It's sad that the younger French who are more partial to RN are being held down by older voters who won't live long enough to suffer the consequences of their voting choices.

Italy has much better prospects than France. I don't like Berlusconi, Salvini or the 5SM, all of who simply sap strength from a proper nationalist party. Hopefully they'll all go away.