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[–]Vegethu 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun -  (7 children)

A few questions here from me and critiques.

Why shouldn't there be outrage over police brutality? If this is a country of freedom how can anyone allow police brutality?

24 Hr anti-white TV? Can you prove this?

Diversity is of benefit though, especially economically. I do have sources on this fact, what proof do you have to back your claim.

What good justification is there for oppossing diversity. Many Republicans have called out against ANTIFA and BLM, and diversity such as Trump and Carlson to name a few.

And lastly, who are "the elites", and what are they doing?

[–]marc_gee[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Diversity is of benefit though, especially economically. I do have sources on this fact, what proof do you have to back your claim.

What good justification is there for oppossing diversity.

More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion. Source:

Diversity increases psychotic experiences. Source:

Diversity increases social adversity. Source:

A 10% increase in diversity doubles the chance of psychotic episodes. Source:

Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships. Source:

Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life. Source:

Diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health. Source:

Ethnic diversity harms health for Hispanics and Blacks. Source:

Diversity primarily hurts the dominant ethnic group. Source:

Ethnic diversity reduces concern for the environment. Source:

Ethnic diversity within 80 meters of a person reduces social trust. Source:

Ethnic diversity directly reduces strong communities. Source:

Ethnically homogeneous neighborhoods are beneficial for health. Source:

In America, more diverse cities have more segregation. Source:

Homogeneous polities have less crime, less civil war, and more altruism. Source:

States with little diversity have more democracy, less corruption, and less inequality. Source:

There is extensive evidence people prefer others who are genetically similar. Source:

Borders, not multiculturalism, reduce intergroup violence. Source:

Diversity reduces charity and volunteering. Source:

People who live in diverse communities rather than homogenous ones are poorer and less educated. Source:

Black people trust their neighbors less than do White people. Source:

Spanish speakers trust their neighbors less than do English speakers. Source:

Asians trust their neighbors less than do White people. Source:

Ethnically diverse workplaces have lower cohesion, lower satisfaction and higher turnover. Source:

Ethnic diversity reduces social trust. Source:

Ethnic diversity among members of the same race reduces infrastructure quality, charity, and loan repayment. Source:

Diversity of any sort makes people more likely to defect in game theoretic scenarios. Source:

Homogeneous military units have less desertion than diverse units. Source:

Diversity correlates with low GDP. Source:

Ethnic homogeneity correlates with strong democracy. Source:

Genetic diversity causes societal conflict. Source:

Ethnic diversity causally decreases social cohesion. Source:

[–]Vegethu 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

ases psychotic experiences

!WHEW! There is a lot of misinformation going on in your comment, so much in fact I wonder if you 've even read any of the stuff you've cited.

Let's go ;)

  1. From Bloomberg is a study that these were based off simulations and not reality, the article itself says so "this is the result of computer simulations of reality, not reality itself. Our identities, social relationships and actual neighborhoods are far more complex than simulations can get at." Society is far more complex than just a simulation. Moreover, in the end the article advocates for diversity claiming we should bridge different communities, it even cites Robert Putnam who has advocated for diversity calling "bridging" social capital.

Not only is this article based off of a simulation it only accounts for small neighborhoods, even the article advocates for diversity at a city level. And even the article views segregation as a bad thing.

  1. These study you linked about diversity increases psychotic experience doesnt suggest what you seem to think it suggests. The English woman who made the study herself said, when asked about her study said "When people live in ares that are more ethnically diverse the outcomes can be a bit better" She says the reason this could be is because of better social support and better social networks. In other words SOCIAL COHESION. But don't take my word for it, here is the English women who ACTUALLY made the study explaining what it means:

No where does it say that there's a causal link between diversity and mental illness.

In this study, they looked at black african people and South East Asian people and concluded that there's actually "a reduced mortality risk in psychosis relative to white British people" and goes on to say that the health outcomes in ethnically diverse comunities BECAUSE OF SOCIAL COHESION. But don't take my word for it, here is the English women who ACTUALLY made the study explaining what it means in layman:

  1. You posted the same source twice in a row.

  2. You posted the same source again (now 3x in a row)

  3. I dont know how to tell you this but this source you cited doesn't make the claim you think it makes. Let's go through it together ;)

"Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships . Source: "

Though diversity does have certain drawbacks, these drawback only exist in the SHORT TERM. The benefits of diversity are plentiful in the long term and I think that as a society we should make plans that benefit us LONG TERM.

I will qoute the abstract YOU cited:

"In the long run immigration and diversity are likely to have important cultural, economic, fiscal, and developmental benefits...In the long run, however, successful immigrant societies have overcome such fragmentation by creating new, cross‐cutting forms of social solidarity and more encompassing identities. Illustrations of becoming comfortable with diversity are drawn from the US military, religious institutions, and earlier waves of American immigration."

  1. You cited the same study (again)

  2. This website references a book written by Robert Putnam which many right wingers have either knowingly or unknowingly misintepreted what Putnam actually claims. I'll explain to you why Putnam isn't saying what you think he's saying:

I'll link you a video of Putnam himself talking about the PROS and CONS of immigration. Robert Putnam claims asserts that immigration does have benefits for countries. A disproportanate number of America's Nobel Prize winners are either immigrants or children of immigrants; Same goes for many of our best Artists, musicians, etc. Putnam does claim that the costs are only in the SHORT TERM and that we should diminish those negative costs and extract the MASSIVE benefits of immigration which are LONG TERM.

Here is an interview where Robert Putnam himself elaborates on this:

In conclusion: The source that the article is citing doesnt make the claim you THINK it claims. Robert Putnam makes the assertation that the positives outweigh the costs when it comes to immigration and diversity, see above link.

  1. Again the source doesnt claim what you think it claims:

First of all the first sentence clearly states that, "Research suggests that greater ethnic density correlates with worse health among African Americans but better health among Hispanic Americans" - so not for both groups, BETTER HEALTH FOR HISPANICS. So youve misqouted your own source.

In the study (THE FIRST FUCKING PARAGRAPH) the study claims that the reason for this was because the Black population was older than the Hispanic population. Once they controled for that they concluded that, "These conflicting patterns may arise from Hispanic American samples being older than African American samples. We found that among 2367 Mexican American and 2790 African American participants older than 65 years, ethnic density predicted lower rates of cardiovascular disease and cancer, adjusting for covariates, showing that the health benefits of ethnic density apply to both minority communities."

So you either dishonestly represented your data or you didn't even read it to begin with, either way I am sorely disappointed.

  1. "Diversity primarily hurts the dominant ethnic group. Source:"

When I opened the link it gave me a 404 error so...could you link another source please?

  1. "Ethnic diversity reduces concern for the environment. Source:"

Good to see a right winger who cares about the environment. The obvious solution to this seems to be education, not just "slow down immigration".

There is definitely a lot of misinformation going on in your comment. I've already debunked your 1st 10 sources, I doubt the rest will be any better. I suggest you actually read and proof check the data and sources you cite before you post them especially before you make false claims about them so confidently. But I am open to any specific sources you may have that you are CERTAIN support the things you say. I'd be more than happy ;)

[–]Vegethu 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Now here are my sources, enjoy:

Here is an enormous meta-analysis of 90 cross-sectional studies analyzing relationship between diversity & social cohesion. Vast majority of studies on the subject fail to prove the relationship between two variables. In fact, study finds positive relationship between inter-ethnic contact & trust in ethnically heterogeneous communities. Only contrary data shows small-scale (intra-neighborhood) trust suffers with ethnic heterogeneity in some circumstances, and even then only in America. Plurality of data does not support - and largely contradicts - assertion that diversity hurts social cohesion.;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849270000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw0wrWqGprzyjySQMpSr3wiJ&sa=D&ust=1595926849392000&usg=AFQjCNHsz5W7Ukdy1HgQAJGLCUhG3QmiPA

Here is a study which tested around 200 students in a trust based experiment and compared results from diverse groups and homogenous groups .Finds no statistically significant negative relationship between diversity and social cohesion.;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849272000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw1c0X9NWCvoQUs354zHEHEy&sa=D&ust=1595926849392000&usg=AFQjCNFGAnUf85EvW_yhvdv-scmTk8NF2g

Longitudinal study comparing the change in social cohesion over time in an area which experienced a large increase in diversity with a comparative control which didn’t. The two areas did not differ significantly in how their levels of social cohesion changed over time, suggesting the increased level of diversity had no statistically significant impact on social cohesion.;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849273000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw0LPq6BMfwKCtHdAaBqNlxF&sa=D&ust=1595926849393000&usg=AFQjCNE_WdFFh1xCoyNA03a8um1yyvltFw

Another longitudinal study analyzing changes in trust in 22 European countries between the years 2002 and 2010. Study suggests immigration often leads to decrease in social trust, but results were heavily affected by ethnic polarization & economic stability. With low polarization and a good economy, immigration was shown to actually increase social trust. Results suggest it isn’t the diversity of immigrants which lessens trust, but rather the economic and political context in which they arrive.;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849274000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw2vUlhKJEOTj2vmqdQAhHC5&sa=D&ust=1595926849393000&usg=AFQjCNHIFDPXMHFL3Eh2vOIMbC6DSVTyVA

Extensive summary on the effects immigration has on the US economy, with sources “While some policymakers have blamed immigration for slowing U.S. wage growth since the 1970s, most academic research finds little long run effect on Americans’ wages”. “The available evidence suggests that immigration leads to more innovation, a better educated workforce, greater occupational specialization, better matching of skills with jobs, and higher overall economic productivity”. “Immigration also has a net positive effect on combined federal, state, and local budgets”. “Economists generally agree that the effects of immigration on the U.S. economy are broadly positive”.;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849268000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw1AcgI0wFNZMlR4VELcmaJv&sa=D&ust=1595926849391000&usg=AFQjCNFVRJvL44FvaUke4WKWHOjqEZzPNg

National Bureau of Economic Research paper on the effects immigration has on wages in the United States Study contends previous analyses on the relationship between immigration and wages falsely assumed perfect labor substitutability between immigrants and native workers of similar education levels, distorting results Research shows average American wage RISES due to immigration, both short-term and long-term Only native demographic whose wages drop are High School dropouts who suffer a decrease in wages of approximately ~2% short-term, alleviating to ~1.1% over time. Study finds new immigration does severely impact wages of prior immigrants, suggesting lack of substitutability with *natives. Overall, vast majority of American workers’ wages increase from immigration, High School dropouts (<10% of population) experience a slight decrease which alleviates with time (and there is evidence that immigration may increase native High School graduation rates, too).;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1595926849265000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw0XFwg6LvZEpPGVoQkGjrwa&sa=D&ust=1595926849390000&usg=AFQjCNFg_8zutE0cetWXdwIfckSOK_nnHA

[–]EuropeanAwakening 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Yes, we know if you flood your society with low wage workers, the GDP will go up. No, 200 college students is not evidence that diversity works. Your studies show nothing that we didn't already know.

[–]FoxySDTWhite Nationalist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No, 200 college students is not evidence that diversity works.

The most hilarious part about this is that the study showed the exact opposite. It was even cited by AltHype about how diversity destroys social cohesion.

Along with the correlational and longitudinal data already presented, the negative relationship between pro social behavior and ethnic diversity has been demonstrated experimentally. For instance, Glaeser et al (2000) had participants play an economic “game” in which one person sent another person a sum of money of their choosing. That money was then doubled money they were sent and the receiver had a chance to send some money back to the person who gave them the initial sum of money. This is a very basic measure of altruism, fairness, and trustworthiness. The researchers found that the receivers sent back far less money when they were paired with someone of another race. In fact, over 90% of the cases in which no money was sent back took place with racial diverse pairs of people.

He copy-pasted it directly from Vaush' google doc along with all others. I doubt he even opened any of them because even in the abstract they say: "When individuals are closer socially, both trust and trustworthiness rise. Trustworthiness declines when partners are of different races or nationalities."

You can't make this shit up.

[–]YORAMRWWhite nationalist, eugenicist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He's either Vaush himself or a very devout fan of Vaush. He uses the exact same talking points as Vaush, uses the exact same disingenuous way arguing (full of pilpul, semantics games and sealioning), and even has the same "sassy black girl" overtone to some of his comments.

[–]marc_gee[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks for your critique. I should have said that I didn't read the links, I got them from a reddit archive of DAE. I don't want to get in the weeds with you on this. I see I broke rule #4 and I will be more mindful of this rule from now on.

Here are more studies you can research if you care to, which I also haven't read: