

turtlew0rk 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun 5 months ago

Virginia Giuffre is a high profile public name who filed and settled a lawsuit with the Royal family. There are likely many others who choose to or are obligated to keep quiet after receiving settlements.

weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 4 months ago

Virginia Giuffre

A grifter. She was 17 at the time on Epstein Island, which is over the age of consent in the UK, most of the USA, and the US Virgin Islands (where Epstein Island is) with some restrictions. She took money to have sex with Prince Andrew, and then hit him for more money afterwards. The stupidity of it is that if he had fucked her in the UK, or even most American mainland states, the only person who would have committed a crime would have been her (prostitution).

What was going on in Epstein Island was sleazy but there were no children being raped.

turtlew0rk 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 4 months ago

Yes, consent is the key word. The allegations with Giuffre is that she was trafficked by Maxwell and Epstein to high profile clients such as prince Andrew. She was 17 at the time which is still a minor and not the legal age of consent in the US Virgin Islands. It is 18. Either way of course, human trafficking is a crime no matter what age the victim is. A 17 year old girl running a grift on a influential powerful billionaire (and convicted rapist) and a member of the Royal family? Thats rich.

Epstein plead guilty to procuring a minor for prostitution in 2009 (RAPE) and there was a list of girls as young as 14 in 2019 when he "killed himself" so those trials never went forward.

weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 4 months ago

She was 17 at the time which is still a minor and not the legal age of consent in the US Virgin Islands. It is 18.

Age of consent in the US Virgin Islands is 13 (but with restrictions on the age gap). About half the mainland US states have age of consent below 18, as does the UK. There are literally places in the world where if you stand on one side of an imaginary line, having sex with a person is "statutory rape", but if you take one step over that line, it isn't. Rape, actual rape, doesn't depend on where it occurs. Or whether it occurs the day before your birthday or the day after.

The stupidity is that had Prince Andrew fucked this woman in Buckingham Palace it would have been completely legal 🙄

A 17 year old girl running a grift on a influential powerful billionaire (and convicted rapist) and a member of the Royal family? Thats rich.

She wasn't 17 when she took Prince Andy for millions.

The grift is that she knowingly went into prostitution, got well compensated for it, and then many years later decided that she could get even more money by suddenly deciding that she had been abused and "groomed" (as if young women have no interest in sex without some Svengali figure manipulating their mind), but fortunately not so badly harmed that money and lots of it won't make the trauma go away.

Yeah, I'm cynical as fuck. But probably not cynical enough.

human trafficking is a crime no matter what age the victim is.

Human trafficking is a victimless activity which we criminalise for economic reasons.

So-called human trafficking "victims" are economic migrants who travel to where the work is but they do so without government permission and filling in all the necessary paperwork.

The "rescue industry" -- and it is an industry, making hundreds of millions of dollars -- is a gravy-train that makes hundreds of millions of dollars by intentionally mislabelling black-market voluntary economic migration as kidnapping, slavery and rape.

There are many abuses that occur in black-market labour, but those abuses are enabled by the criminalisation of "human trafficking" instead of regulating it. But I digress.

there was a list of girls as young as 14

And then conveniently Epstein "killed himself" before the prosecution needed to prove these girls existed 😒

Look, I dunno -- there are paedophiles in the world who want to fuck actual children, and Epstein's blackmail operation may have entered into that cesspool too. But fucking a 17 year old woman who knew exactly what she was getting into and was well-paid for it is not the same as raping a toddler.