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[–]send_nasty_stuff 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Is this post suppose to be sarcasm? 15 year old dating and teen awkwardness around attractive men isn't 'grooming' it's natural development. When you become an adolescent you're suppose to start thinking about dating and relationships because your hormonal profile is changing and you're becoming a man or women slowly. This is common sense. We shouldn't force adolescences into hyper sexuality or the adult industry (or anyone for that matter) but that's not what any of those 1960's episodes are doing from my perspective.

Netflix's cuties that had 8-12 year old actresses twerking like strippers is grooming. Using pre adolescents in commercials with sex toys is grooming or any type of highly sexualized context is grooming. Taking pre adolescents to tranny drag shows and letting them get on stage and dance for money like Desmond is Amazing is grooming. Making children's stuff animals and toys that glorify BDSM and satanism like Belenciaga is grooming.

Allowing children near any type of LGBTQ event is grooming IMHO because the LGBTQ community implicitly encourages child sexuality. Their leaders and 'founders' are frequently found preaching about lowering the age of consent or removing parental right from heterosexual families. (see RBG, Ginsburg, Paglia, Foucault, etc) The homosexuals within the LGBTQ community are especially bad because a huge majority of them were essentially groomed and raped by older men as children or young adolescents and they've essentially identified with their aggressor in adulthood and see nothing wrong with continuing the cycle of rape. It's disgusting and the fact that it's protected and common in 2023 is vomit inducing.

[–]AmWomanDontCallMeBro[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If you don't want to watch the Gidget episodes I linked, I don't blame you.

If you haven't watched it, then your comment isn't about what I posted. Your comment is about things that were already on your mind.

I agree the "Desmond is amazing" and "cuties" and the Balenciaga debacles are hideous displays of what the media moguls are trying to brainwash everyone with. It's beyond horrifying.

But I'm talking about Gidget. My post is about Gidget. Can we please focus here?

[–]send_nasty_stuff 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I did get a chance to watch some of the Big Kahuana episode with the older male asking the 15 year old to lay down and hold a cigarette and act like his girl friend. I agree that it's definitely sexualizing a teen girl which is uncouth and degenerate. However, this level of subversion from Hollywood is nothing compared to even the films in the 70's (Brook Shields first film and some of the early work by Jodie Foster for example). Those actresses were way younger and portraying way younger characters. What's going on today is far worse and the focus should be on the grooming going on today not the teen dating stuff going on in the 50's and 60's. Mid and late Teens should be considering dating and marrying if they are ready because that's when you start becoming a women. It's the early teen adolescent and the child sexualizing that's the major issue.