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[–]FlippyKing 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I'm two hours into the video, and it is eye opening. I do think some of the celebs who are doing those poses could be told to take those poses by the photographers, and the young 'uns can't be "members"-- yet. Also at this point with those gestures being ubiquitous, people might make those signs just to make them. But the 1000-334 sign does not strike me as random, and when a celeb makes multiple signs often in the same pic-- that's not "on the level" (which I think is a pun or something like that in this context).

The ones that I find a little more disturbing are Fauci's one because it is not like he's reaching for something, or looking for something he can't find in that breast pocket. He does look like he is sending a sign, and what he says has to be heard in the context of that sign-- the sign is part of what he is saying. Colbert also I find disturbing because he claims to be a good Catholic and you can not be a Catholic and be a Freemason-- in spite of the run of popes or anti-popes who have been (current occupant very much included).

It also does not matter if their magic is real or not. It doesn't even matter if they believe it, just that they do it. Their power via wealth and influence is.

But, it is tough to excuse the rank and file member who just wants to network and all that when you see some of the specifics of the teachings. It is tough to really look at them and read them for what they are and not say "oh, this is some kind of satanism".

The people in it who know nothing are there to give it a veneer of decency to make it seem wholesome, and probably to fund the whole thing. Again, like college, or any pay-as-you-go scheme that may or may not be a pyramid scheme. Plenty of things are like a pyramid scheme, and with their emphasis on pyramids, Freemasonry might be both satanism and a pyramid scheme.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think you hit the nail on the head. Especially with this part - I would just add that it also works as a filtration system as well, which pyramid schemes often do have:

The people in it who know nothing are there to give it a veneer of decency to make it seem wholesome, and probably to fund the whole thing. Again, like college, or any pay-as-you-go scheme that may or may not be a pyramid scheme. Plenty of things are like a pyramid scheme, and with their emphasis on pyramids, Freemasonry might be both satanism and a pyramid scheme.

Come back after another hour or two of it, curious to hear what your thoughts are if you continue watching. I thought the same. It is exactly like a pyramid scheme, ironically. You do have to pay annually to be a freemason. And they do host many charity and donation events. That sort of makes it pay to play too - the further your money goes, the further you go, if you show your down to play ball imho.

[–]FlippyKing 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So many things are run this way, whole industries. The industry that feeds writers to late night tv was fed by theaters in a few cities that were basically pyramid schemes. People wanting to take comedy classes, acting and writing, pay and it looks like the better you get at it the more you get given stage time. You take classes to get stage time, but their are literal trust-fund kids (as in billionaires actually) who can buy their way and afford to live in the cities while doing nothing but honing the craft. The theater's expenses are basically paid by the shlubs who think it's a meritocracy when they're really subisizing a finishing school for ivy league rich kids. Casting directors run classes, and if you take the classes they send you commercial auditions. and then you hear about the charities they are raising (mostly other people's) money for. You want to be with the in crowd right? Kick in. Broke people need not apply, but must figure it out on their own. No one includes in the story of their own success all the money they spent or where they got it from.

It would make sense that in a world where every institution is corrupt, that money is the 'magic' behind it all, and the pay-to-play pyramid schem-ization of everything puts well connected incompetent monsters (satanists even) where compassion and humility and expertise is needed. Instead of an eye with a square and a compass, they need a picture of the earth in a handbasket on its way to hell as its symbol.

I will check in when I finish it.