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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Support for the Back to Africa Movement grows daily. USA in severe need of Civil War Two. If required use tactical nuclear weapons to cleanse USA Negro areas and inform the remaining Negroes to report to the departure areas for a free ride back to sub-Saharan Africa . . . or face their well-earned reward.

Okay . . . anger at the sub-human savages made me think on a very-large scale. One alteration to my wondrous plan. Set up military tribunals to weed out the tiny percentage of the feral filthy horde that IS capable of living within a first-world country without acting out as the typical Negro filth are wont to do. That tine percentage can remain. The rest are OUT OF HERE!!!!

Once done life quality within the USA will soar and the mega-BILLIONS of dollars spent yearly to corral and contain the Negro scum as done in the past can be returned to taxpayers. Many folks are unable to understand the tremendous burden that the Negro has placed upon USA society for far too long. That scourge MUST GO!!!!!!