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[–]Vegethu[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I disagree. I would be happy living an amish life.

What I mean is that there are other factors to consider, such as national happiness, corruption, public health, mental health etc. Also, i dont want to sound rude but it doesn't matter much what YOU would prefer what matters is what the data says about the country as a whole. Also YOU might be happy with that lifestyle but that's not most people.

You are defining American as "everyone, who lives in the US". My definition is different. I believe, you are not some root-less individual. I believe your identity is interconnected with your surroundings. Your family, your neighbors, your church, etc. all these elements shape your identity. You can not see some person as a pure individual - at the very least, he has a family and they have influenced his life and development.

Literally the definition of being an American depends on you being a citizen and literally nothing else. Also you didn't confront my original argument.

The Somali guy might practice the islamic religion and has other cultural traditions and practices than the Englishman

You could say the same about Catholicism, Judiasm, Protestantism, Christianity and there used to be conflict (mainly because the dominant religious group saw the existence of these groups as a threat to its existence); yet there is no longer any conflict. In fact, Christainity, Judaism and Islam are all related they're all Abrahamic religions that originated in the Middle East and East Africa. Also not all immigrants are non-Christians more than half of Nigerian Americans are Christians and follow Christian values. Mexicans and other Hispanic immigrants are SO Christian that they're Catholic. The vast majority of immigrants coming into the country are of some Christian denominations, and most of those that aren't come from Abrahamic religions.

For someone, that wants to preserve some sort of cultural heritage, migration of people from other cultural spheres, is obviously problematic.

If you want to preserve your culture, the existence of other cultures would not get in the way of that. You can still practice your religion, live amongst white people if you want and pass those values down to your kids. No one is saying don't do these things. You can do all of these things and still have Somalian Muslims exist in the country.

I believe todays culture is worse than the one we had in earlier times.

By what netric can you determine this? By what standard? And how far back would you go?

Sure, you might criticise some elements of Viking behavior. I personally am still sad to see, that they are not Vikings any longer. No, I do not want them to raid and rape, but my understanding of Viking culture is rooted in their pre-christian spirituality. I do not see anything wrong in people worshipping their ancestors or some tribal deities in sacred groves.

I think it's a good thing that Vikings no longer exist precisely because of their slavery, rape, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance, violence, terrorism, lack of empathy or compassion, and all around disgusting behavior. No sensible human being would rather live in those times than now.