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[–][deleted] 20 insightful - 4 fun20 insightful - 3 fun21 insightful - 4 fun -  (2 children)

Reddit might be dying, but the cancer that is killing Reddit is in the process of metastasizing over. These people are dense enough to still be oblivious how the hug boxes on Reddit, how identity politics has killed free debate. I do not care what gender you think I am. If you pretend to want to debate a certain topic, then I assume that you have the intention to debate it honestly.

You can have a debate forum about "Socialist Economics", for example, but that means that you would like to debate the positions socialists economists hold. It does not mean "Let's pretend socialists economists are right and then pretend we are debating their ideas." Then you might as well not debate the topic.

I do not want site staff to impose on people how to run their subs. That is another form of censorship. But I will ridicule these idiots for it. /That/ is what has been killing Reddit and people who come here just to port over the same mindset have not learned a damn thing. I do not care if you think I am male, transgender, or a dog. Contend with my damn arguments. And if you demand people already hold a particular position on a topic, then do not pretend you are trying to debate the topic. That is not the same as keeping people on topic. That is more akin to making a debate forum about cars but you are not allowed that different cars have different engines.

As for you, Catshit, you pretentious, disingenuous little piece of shit, do not act as if I was the weirdo for coming to your sub and assuming I can debate a subject that is completely on topic there. Jesus Christ, how I hate that pretentiousness, this smug bullshit that I thought I had left over in Reddit. How did you "make your way" onto saidit? I am kind of surprised by it. Not trying to be a dick. Just really curious and hope you are okay. Do you need something, like some hot chocolate milk, because that was a really weird thing you did there. Not trying to be mean, I just want to know how you thought people on saidit would not have a problem with this. Or maybe you can explain to us how this is any different from what has ruined Reddit, what is causing cancel culture, and why identity politics are rampant.

UPDATE: I have just received another message and I might have misinterpreted the intentions of Catshit. I am sorry if I have done them injustice. I thought they had been part of the staff. My criticism against G*C still stands and I still want to expose this. I will not remove the below. If I embarrassed myself with it, then I will be transparent with that, too.

Go fuck yourself, Catshit. Fuck GenderCritical, fuck censorship, fuck Reddit cancer, your little narcissistic feminist hugboxes, your constant belly aching about patriarchy and victimhood. Fuck you for constantly ruining these communities. You can take your gloating somewhere else, as if you have achieved some sort of victory for having removed me by force. You have no interest in freedom of speech. You are not opposed to censorship -- you just want to be the one doing the censoring.

[–]Yamyam 18 insightful - 11 fun18 insightful - 10 fun19 insightful - 11 fun -  (1 child)

Here we see, a scrote having a breakdown

[–]Happy_face_doomer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)
