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[–]HopeThatHalps[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

′′ ON VIDEO REGISTERED SICARIAL ATTENTION IN CORNS OF SANTA CRUZ ′′ 💥💥 This time the impacts sounded, in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz de la Santa Marta, when a person, whom officials identified as Oscar Ballestas was riddled by criminals who mobilized on motorcycles.

Oscar Ballestas, was located in a corner store in Santa Cruz's neighborhood, near the Mayorca Urbanization, when he was surprised by motorized hitmen, who after locating him, the barbecue drew his firearm and fired repeatedly at against the humanity of the now occurs.

Notiviral alert also knew, that in the criminal attack another man who responds to the name of Mauricio Rivera Durán, who apparently is the shopkeeper, who was immediately moved to the Bay of this city, where his diagnosis is reserved I love you.

Judicial police in the first neighborhood work, INDAGO that Oscar Ballestas, apparently visiting an acquaintance in the sector where today's afternoon lost his life.

Ballestas was dedicated to loan money, research points to analysis of their economic activity as a possible crime mobile.

We call for an alert to the competent authority, because in recent days several murders have been committed in the modality of motorcycle sicariato and Santa Marta is a city where the circulation of motorcycles with a man barbecue is prohibited.,-74.1843626,3a,65.5y,313.52h,81.17t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sif8utPWVdUT1wLy-NrdXxQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656