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[–]RedditTookMyDeaths 22 insightful - 3 fun22 insightful - 2 fun23 insightful - 3 fun -  (10 children)

I miss r/watchpeopledie. There was none of this shit.

[–]fishbox 14 insightful - 5 fun14 insightful - 4 fun15 insightful - 5 fun -  (8 children)

It was there to, Reddit just policed that shit better. I think this place needs to come down on these assholes. If they want a safe place they can wrap their mouths around a pistol and go to hell.

[–]JamesHamilton 15 insightful - 4 fun15 insightful - 3 fun16 insightful - 4 fun -  (4 children)

Saidit needs a DOWNVOTE button. That would help a lot.
They don't need to [removed] or anything like that (free speech is free speech). We just need a way to flush shit down to the bottom, that's all.
Keep the (light = insightful), and change the face to (uninsightful).
We don't need to [remove] or anything like that, just move it down if most feel it should.

[–]HopeThatHalps[S] 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That might not work out too great, I think the racists outnumber the adults here.

[–]DoctorsHateHim 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's true, there's a lot and this site doesn't care. It's bizarre.

[–]fishbox 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Then I will set the order to controversial. Its not like these idiot have anything worth reading anyway.

[–]dgrwl 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Can you fuck off with this free speech bullshit? You don’t HAVE ultimate freedom and nobody deserves it. If Saidit wants to censor ME they very well could and I’d be irritated but that is their decision as a private company. You want unlimited speech? Go to Voat. Take a look. What do you see? Every fucking website that calls itself a bastion of free speech and ideas becomes overrun with aggressively loud bigots. Why would Saidit want to have to deal with that shit? It’s easier to remove them.

[–]DoctorsHateHim 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed. My favorite part was the comments, some of the stuff was laugh out loud funny.

But here, these fucking scumbag assholes and the racist crap and it's just allowed. Yeah, it sucks.