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[–]Troy[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

On her 29th birthday in Moscow this evening almost died blogger-millionaire Ekaterina Didenko. She hosts a popular vlog about medical drugs on Instagram. To celebrate the holiday, she and her husband chose the bath complex "Ninth Wall" in the south of Moscow.

Telegram channels were quick to report her death, however this is not the case

The husband bought artificial ice to make a surprise: dry ice was to turn into a spectacular steam. But when the guests jumped into the pool, and when the ice poured into the water, people began to turn blue and lose consciousness.

According to rescuers, 25 kg of dry ice was poured into the pool, which created poisonous fumes. According to the latest data, two people were killed and four others were hospitalized.

UPD - Catherine's husband, Valentin, died in intensive care on the night of February 29.

Her crying on camera about the death of her husband