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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


The left dem/neoliberals are playing the scapegoats in a PsyOp where the ZioCon 9/11 Perps, such as Frank Gaffney tell us to Join their side against the scary faux commies and let FREEDOM RING

One 9/11 perp retweeting another 9/11 perp pleading to Trump. The latter 9/11 perp was pardoned by Trump. He magically found the fake hijacker passport on a street in Manhattan.

Any who, think of Trump as Cucker Carlson. They were both once full on warhawk pro-Likudnik stooges and now they are cryptos playing the roles of isolationists; maybe it's genuine, but it would only be in the interest of Israel and multilateralism.

From TruthSerum Blog:

FOR THE TUCKER worshipers like Freemason DAVID "The Lizards did it" ICKE: Tucker, which I forgot to mention in my previous post, is an advocate of Netanyahu, as well as covered-up Iran Contra and protected neocon Elliot Abrams when he worked for the Pnacer Zionist Jew Bill Kristol's 'The Weekly Standard' in the 90's.

Netanyahu tweeted June 7th 2019:

Great meeting with >@TuckerCarlson today. big >supporter of Israel! 🇺🇸🇮🇱 > — Yair Netanyahu 🇮🇱 >(@YairNetanyahu) June 7, 2019

Anyone promoting Tucker like it is their job or Flynn for that matter must then love Israel and the Likud, or is ignorant of this fact. Real nationalism means NOT supporting foreign countries with trillions in aid, especially not ones that were founded on terror and orchestrated 9/11 [with US help] as well as the USS Liberty among other things.

Flynn and him being Pro-Trump provide some answers...


...defend 'Murica against who?

Flynn co-authored a book with Michael Ledeen, avid ZioCon, entitled, 'The Field of Fight : How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.'

[In all cases, the lump leftism with Islamism.]

Sounds straight out of the Likudnik playbook.

Ledeen, a notorious ZioCon was and still is at the very heart of the Zionist network that tricked the USA into fighting and paying for Israel's wars after Israel did 9/11 against the real USA for that aim.

How Flynn does not know this is not beyond me, because he does know this.

Their book 'The Field of Fight' claims that 'Murica is under attack from leftists

[similarly; Frank Gaffney, a zionist jew is also re-branding himself under the pro-CONstitution authority of the faux republicans against the scapegoat leftist agenda].

'The Field of Fight' was published shortly after Trump was inaugurated, when Trump sold out to the Saudis after hinting before his election as POTUS that he knew the Saudis did 9/11.

[The then declassified the 28 pages, merely a limited hangout Cass Sunstein trail that protects Israel and the Likud.]

Flynn came to prominence by releasing a report that claimed that Islamic State was deliberately created by the Obama administration to isolate President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. I would not be surprised if this was true because it fits perfectly into everything else we know about the war in Syria.

[But it was likely the intelligence apparatus and CIA that did this, and as we know they continue to give arms to sunni extremists under the Trump administration!]

But did Flynn release this for the Zionists to blame Obama who the Zionists detest because he brokered the Iran nuclear deal? Apparently Flynn is a Zionist, and hates Obama and Clinton.

I do not trust Flynn. He must know who Ledeen is. His fellow 'patriots' must know who Ledeen is and how he helped to trick the USA into war for Israel.

The left dem/neoliberals are playing the scapegoats in a PsyOp where the ZioCon 9/11 Perps, such as Frank Gaffney tell us to Join their side against the scary faux commies and let FREEDOM RING! That's the stupid narrative I'm seeing.

This is what you hear coming out of the mouths of the ZioCon ethno-nationalist dual-Israelis in US government and think tanks, who, most must know, helped to destroy America:

A ardent Trump supporter and MAGA Zionist stated:

We are in the middle of a "Color Revolution" to destroy America. You must share this thread with everyone you know. The only people who can stop the revolution are We the People.

To destroy America? The greatest wealth transfer in human history and corporate amalgamation of small businesses has occurred and we are talking about a revolution here? Of what? BLM? America was destroyed 150 years ago and ZioCons have officially taken over.

We are left with this statement:

Stop being passive and deceived. Take action.

Of course that action is to get out and vote for ZioCon trump who is a latitudinarian constructionist and spits on the constitution. Frank Gaffney, was part and parcel in the maiming and killing of 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and another million in foreign countries based on the 9/11 false flag pretext. All this war debt is then mortgaged to unborn generations, your children and children's children. Conservatives are being fooled.

Frank Gaffney writes:

Rich Higgins is one of our nation’s most astute and skilled political warfare specialists. We are on notice: The revolution is underway and ending our constitutional republic, our freedoms and many of our lives is the perpetrators’ goal. And its realization is now in prospect.

LOL, the US was always a trading corporation and the constitution applies to congress which is incorporated, it was fully implemented after the civil war. In fact the 'continuance of governance bill' pushed by ZioCons like Gaffney, Kirstol, Libby, Wolfowitz, Bush, Obama and Trump, turned "I'll do anything for Israel my motherland," has effectively destroyed the constitution. And here's Gaffney telling us that BLM and a bunch of blacks and leftists are destroying the constitution. Useful idiots in a grander plan.

Frank is a neocon warmonger who blamed 9/11 and the the bombing in Oklahoma on Iraq.

He is a member of the Zionist organization of America and a contributing author of the ZioCon authored Project for the New American Century which planned 9/11 as a catalyst for the Yinon Global War on Terror charade.

ZioCons are hijacking the Nationalist anti-war movement.

As they have always done, evidenced by Michael Collins Piper in his book 'Judas Goats.'

I now wonder if Frank Gaffney was ever interviewed by Tucker Carlson? Anyone care to research this?

In conclusion, their agenda is to utilize the leftist scapegoat agenda to impose 'Law and Order', which means same old, same old. They want to rile up the right whilst they co-opt the left. They would like you to believe that the US is in the middle of a color revolution; specifically, done by lefitst, BLM, Muslims (the pro-Iran faction, not the pro-Saudi faction) and immigrants they freely bring in to lower wages to even out the playing field with China; nobody else, even though Israel and Saudi Arabia with a Zionist faction in the USA did 9/11.

This is the precise propaganda line that Infowhores and Paul "neocon" Watson are now propagandizing after several years of blaming Israel, Saudi Arabia and US intels. for 9/11, wars and terror. Gatekeeping the narrative! As long as they can control the narratives, they can willingly expose themselves and their agendas or merely hijack whatever narrative they feel is advantageous to their cause.

Their fruits and words tell a very different story, a story that is more akin to gatekeeping. Take for an example, Mr. David Duke.

David "I'm a KKK member which was founded by a Zionist named Baruch; also I get airtime on CNN to espouse my views, I'm totally legit" Duke believes that the Jews run the world. All Jews?

Here is Duke on the Jews:




And here is Duke endorsing Donald Trump:

MakeAmericaGreatAgain >#TrumpDuke2016

David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) 14 May 2016

But here is the dilemma for David Duke:

    1. Duke thinks the Jews run the world;
    1. Duke endorses Trump.