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[–]zyxzevn[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The are mainly doctors that worked with actual vax-injured patients.
It is not the angry Stew Peters show, with low quality information.
They are still doctors, though.

You can at least try these cheap solutions. Just get Ivm at the veterinary for your dog. Or fermented soy at the food-market.
The solutions are working directly on the spike-proteins and can reduce certain side-effects.
IVM also works against immune system related side-effects

The more alternatives are Ozone therapy and such.
There are also people who eat only raw food to help against auto-immunity.

I had Covid early on, and for me it helped to eat far more eggs.
And I use IVM when I meet jabbed people, due to their shedding.