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[–]GoldenDynasty 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Damn she's a high quality desi girl.

Despite what some haters say, the only reason imaf even exists in some sea areas such as Malaysia is primarily due to the majority of Malays being Muslim. Chinese are more likely to find Malays to be more physically attractive than Indians, after all Malays are also golden and have similar features. However, if you ask the chinese in malaysia, singapore, etc. what their biggest turn offs with Malays is, its that many of them cannot date or marry a Non Muslim or if they do, then they try and convert the other partner to Islam, and many Chinese and East Asians are not interested in changing their beliefs, particularly if they are basically being forced to do so. So the majority of Chinese just date their own, with a few only having the next biggest non muslim group in the area which are Indians as the only option.

However Chinese and East Asian men are notorious for having very strict standards when it comes to girls that they are dating (usually preferring paler skin, slimmer frame, more delicate and feminine features in women) which many of the Southern Indian girls in those areas do not conform to. Trust me, I've seen and dated Desi girls including Southern Indian ones in other areas like the UK and they are FAR more attractive than the ones in say, Singapore. The ones I saw in Singapore were mostly skinny fat, no shape, hairy, etc.

This high quality girl in this post is another example. So for these reasons chinese men don't date the indian women as much as the opposite (majority of the lus in imaf are bottom of the barrel/ low quality, or also called leftovers in the culture). The girls that are high quality and in demand are busy being pursued by golden men. If you understand Asian culture or been to those areas you know exactly what I'm talking about.