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[–]Q-Continuum-kin 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

The most down to earth MtF i know fully understood how bad surgery was and could joke around a bit but eventually ghosted the group after demanding i apologize because i said "her" boyfriend was not straight. The other friend in the group would constantly fumble over pronouns but i would say "they" to avoid causing problems. It turns out he was apparently counting up every time i said "they" so whenever it got to the point that i refused to apologize for saying the boyfriend was "not straight" I got hit with the box full of "you never make a mistake and call me he so using they every time is even more transphobic".

Prior to that I knew 2 gay guys who were dating at university. One of them transitioned but they didn't break up. This MtF was always a bit irrational and would be sitting there normally then suddenly pop off over nothing. So this acquaintance didn't break up with the new MtF but i think once again it was another example where the MtF was mad that the guy wouldn't call himself straight. Eventually it caused a physical altercation and the MtF went after him with a knife in the dorms. The school did nothing about it so he got a restraining order and the MtF wasn't allowed in the same building as him. This is how i found out about it. I walked into the LGBT center and the newly hired ultra brainwormed staff were out loud discussing how bad they felt for the MtF and being critical of the guy for getting the police involved.

Prior to that a different gay friend hooked up with a FtM then jokingly said on social media that he finally lost his virginity. No mention of any names or anything. The FtM saw this and freaked out over the implication that this was heterosexual sex. That person ended up withdrawing from all classes and being put on suicide watch because she had sax with a guy and he later implied it was straight sex.

So for me it's just people freaking out over the gay vs straight labels even if they act reasonably otherwise (the first 2 weren't reasonable otherwise). The most recent was but then turned on a dime.

[–]BluuDegenerate 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Imagine trying to stab someone and then being shocked that they have the AUDACITY of... calling the cops? Also the gay straight freakout is hilarious, trannies find someone that will actually fuck them but its not good enough because the person won't say that two guys fucking each other in the ass is straight

[–]Alienhunter糞大名 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Age old story. Gay drama of some gay guy deciding he's a woman actually because lol of course no man would want to be with a man right? Causing strife for their gay partner who isn't totally down with the woman thing because he's gay. Duh. Or go the opposite way with lesbians. I'm sympathetic to a point. Though I'm far more sympathetic towards the gay guy that has to deal with his partner suddenly changing who he is rather than just accepting himself and living with it.

Knew a straight guy in a similar conundrum. Wife suddenly decides she is a man and that they are gay. Guy is broadsided and tries to go along with it but doesn't work out, ends in divorce. I'm an asshole and at a distance the whole time because I say it from the beginning, it won't work out, lo and behold I'm right.

The girl not feeling particularly "feminine" or wanting to dress more masculine or whatever, no problem, nobody cares, her husband doesn't care. Girl insisting that they are now gay will cause problems. And it did. But everyone is too damn nice to point it out ahead of time so they gotta go through the slow motion train wreck.