

ClassroomPast6178 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

Feelings of “anxiety” have been weaponised, and it’s not just troons doing it.

The media has been awash over the past few years of people talking about their “anxiety” over incidents that occur extremely rarely.

The insidious thing is that they invariably steal focus from much more frequently occurring incidents that happen to less cared about demographics. The easy example is how Black Lives Matter suddenly became Black Trans Lives Matter and vast sums of money donated to BLM ended up being funnelled to trans charities. There are obviously others.

In my opinion it is linked to a shift in the past decade to talking about “feeling safe” as opposed to “being safe” and from there it was weaponised further when the narrative regarding words equalling violence gained traction. Statistics can show you that you are actually reasonably safe, but there’s no empirical evidence of how you feel….so lean hard on the feelings.

It seems to be part attention-stealing, part victimhood-exploiting and part authoritarian-censorship-demanding. It’s cynical but vast swathes of the left-leaning media and government have fallen for it and there doesn’t seem to be a “progressive” cause that doesn’t use it (the troons seem to be masters of it, but they are just using the tools developed by and inherited from previous pet causes of the social justice left)

TheOnyxGoddess 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

It's been weaponised so much that I immediately have a cynical view of anyone who out of the blue says "I have anxiety" or even celebrates (e.g. "social anxiety clubs, yay"). I developed anxiety as a result of PTSD, I'm not going to advertise it. I remember navigating this life "strong" and I still want to navigate this life without anxiety becoming my "personality".