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[–]Alienhunter糞大名 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

TRA can't even get the particularities of what these terms mean nailed down so any sort of discussion on fluidity is pointless.

I'd argue that, since gender isn't actually real and is just mostly made up, it's pretty fluid, especially if we start making up random xenogenders that basically like just reflect like the vibe and stuff. Some days I identify as sleepy-gendered and some days I identify as need-to-go-for-a-pint gendered. It's all nonsense for describing how one feels. And since how one feels is different from day to day and person to person it's meaningless to everyone except the person in question. So is it fluid? I guess, but I'd argue more so the concept is stupid.

Orientation I don't think is fluid in the sense that people can purposely change it. But you will find people's expression of their orientation change over time so I suspect there is some degree of long term fluidity there. This is likely very much driven by someone's hormonal state. I have a hard time accepting asexuality as a valid sexual orientation for this reason rather than simply a lack of libido. I suspect the ultimate causes for homosexuality (or heterosexuality as well) to be a complex mix of psychological and hormonal factors that can change subtlety over time. Naturally this kind of thinking is not in vogue as it implies that there is potentially a scientific basis for trying to "fix" someone's sexuality which is a taboo topic. I don't ascribe to any kind of treatment for these sorts of things bring necessary for anyone especially if they are happy with themselves. Better to leave well enough alone.

Sex is clearly genetically derived and apart from occasional mutations that occur is fully binary and is fixed from the point of conception. It cannot be changed in humans by any natural or known artificial means.

There are examples in the animal kingdom of sex being fluid. Clownfish are a notable example. But non-human sexual reproduction methods don't have much bearing on human reproduction. One cannot simply identify as an amoeba and reproduce via mitosis despite that form of reproduction being extremely common in nature.

Gender is a fully human concept and has no bearing on anything in nature. Sexual orientation can be argued to exist in nature as the behavior of same-sex mating behavior has been observed. But it again is separate from the idea of gender and falls into the basic classes of Heterosexual and Homosexual activity or some mix of the two.

The other kinds of sexual orientation and genders beyond this seem to be referring more to fetishes and other mating preferences than anything that could be described as an orientation. We do not say for example someone who is primarily attracted to black people would be a negrosexual and the very concept is not socially recognized despite clearly being a real thing. Neither do we refer to those who only are interested in redheads or christians as separate sexual orientations l rather than mating preferences and fetishes despite there being very clear indications of such preferences not merely being a conscious choice on the part of the individuals involved and having some biologically driven component to them.

I'd maintain that sex and orientation are biologically derived and sex is not fluid, orientation can be but is not intentionally fluid. Gender in the modern parlance exists only in the sense that it's part of the larger human social fabric surrounding mating rituals and is not much different than the kind of dances birds do to attract a mate. The key point we are seeing here is the female of the human species is generally the one whom decides on the attraction of their mate and they've decided that traditionally masculine expressions of "gender" are no longer in vogue so the males of the species are adapting to various non-masculine expressions of dress and behavior in order to woo the females and copulate successfully.

[–]BioEssentialism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I suspect the ultimate causes for homosexuality (or heterosexuality as well) to be a complex mix of psychological and hormonal factors that can change subtlety over time.

It’s nature’s way of preventing overpopulation and maintaining an ecologically sound population stability, simple as. This is the reason why homosexuality can be observed in nearly all mammalian sexually reproducing species, while I’m sure fluctuating hormones play a factor in the major of the population who might be somewhat more on the bisexual spectrum than strict heterosexuality - there does exist a small portion of the population for whom homosexuality is entirely hardwired and cannot be changed. Usually these tend to be men with a surplus of older brothers according to studies, unlike the heterosexual troons you can tell these homosexuals are legit and it’s not a choice for them because they exist in every race, culture, and region in the world even despite how violently homophobic said society would be. Ironically enough, these are the types who tend to be actual transsexuals as they frequently transition in the 3-world parts of the world because they are utterly incapable of living their lives as a normative member of their biological sex and cannot change their orientation. (And yes they’ve tried conversion therapy with these actual homosexuals through the use of hormonal balancing, it didn’t work.)

Gender in the modern parlance exists only in the sense that it's part of the larger human social fabric surrounding mating rituals and is not much different than the kind of dances birds do to attract a mate. The key point we are seeing here is the female of the human species is generally the one whom decides on the attraction of their mate and they've decided that traditionally masculine expressions of "gender" are no longer in vogue so the males of the species are adapting to various non-masculine expressions of dress and behavior in order to woo the females and copulate successfully.

And this is why the modern trans slogan that orientation and gender identity are completely separate and therefore “gay transmen” and “trans lesbians” can exist is complete and utter bullshit! Sexual orientation and Gender (as we understand it to be a synonym for biological sex, not the way the troons use it to mean gender roles) are inexplicably linked, otherwise we wouldn’t be a two sex, dimorphic, sexually reproducing species and would be single-sex, asexual amoebas instead. This is why the whole “heterosexual trans” phenomena is something that is only occurring in the White & privileged West whereas you’ll never once see a straight tranny out in the 3rd-World, they’re all HSTS over there. Find me an old AGP hon trans lesbian out in like Africa or the Middle East and I’ll show you a unicorn, they just don’t exist. This more than anything else is proof that sexual orientation and gender are directly linked and all the heterosexual Western troons are just cosplaying.