

[deleted] 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun 1 year ago

that's just not what I'm here for.

Neither am I. Frankly the talk about jews here bores me to tears. It is however very interesting to me the parallels between people who question the Holocaust, who question transgenderism, and who question the covid vaccine. In each case there's compelling evidence that's not easily dismissed, so instead discussion is suppressed. As you're experiencing now.


What's relativistic about anything I wrote. It's rather absolute. Freedom of speech doesn't work when you don't allow what you don't like.

retarded stance it's so god damn stupid

What's retarded about it? I used to think that too because that's what I was taught. That's how transgenderism is going to be if they win, one day everyone will just know questioning it is stupid.

It's not that it's a forbidden topic,

It really is, that's why they have to discuss it in places like this.