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[–]James_Kuhn3rd 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Generations which have it so well, those people have little need for history, the past, traditions etc.

Generations who elect leaders to go forth on their behalf and fight in the halls of Congress for climate change while comparing this to thousands of young men storming the beaches of Normandy to prevent the slaughter of millions knowing that their imminent death is highly probable.

Generations who believe they fulfill their obligation to society by filling petitions, paying their taxes, or hash tagging some trend on their FB, IG, Twitter etc rather than sacrificing they're time by joining some local religious institution or community group & getting involved in the mess of people's lives.

Generations who believe some lives are worth more than others, that select groups of individuals who have partial responsibility of bringing individuals into the world, then have the right to determine who is allowed to come and who is not.

Generations who believe tearing down statues of individuals who lived in a world apart from them, is comparable to fighting the battles they fought for or against.

Generations who believe the state grants you the freedom you have, and prefer the safety nets and status the state provides.

The constitution is a piece of paper. As was stated in the declaration of independence, when a government, or a constitution, no longer adequately reflect the people it represents, it is incumbent on the people to change it.. That's where we are rapidly approaching.