all 2 comments

[–]Vigte 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Thas amazin'!

[–]SundogsPlace[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, below was a comment that I wrote, but decided I'd rather have it discussed here if any interest:

A few thoughts that are creeping up on myself, just a 1/3 way into it. History is full of invasion, conquest, and dominion; life historically has been a fight from other mankind, nature, and then from the inevitables of age, and health. Through the trials, and tribulations of these constructs, humanity learned how to survive. We needed tribes; only those with them are secure(then, or now). I opine that culture defines the tribe, and both have demonstrated that when in healthy standings, create a nexus of life prospering protection from 'the elements'; so to speak. In watching this, I have no judgment, but simple interest; which necessitates many questions. These folks talk of how awesome their lives are, and how great it is, but a simple observation is that they've not had to face the element of time; at best they're what 40ish(if aging very well)? Still not enough time for most to realize the burdens, or rewards of knowing actual time; say from the perspective of someone in their 90's that's still keenly aware. How will age impact their outlook, or the outlook of their polyamory tribe? They simply don't have the information to answer. What of sickness, or disease??? When one of them becomes sick, do they have enough of a tribe, or culture to insure care for said loved one, or are we the modern cutting edge folks, that simply dispose of them into nursing facilities, and move on with the next 'fun' member of the polyamory 'hoe' down..? What of real jealousy not easily answered??? Say the birth of a child, where by the female in the video potentially has her body wrecked by the development of the baby; I'm thinking stretch marks, perhaps as many women, sex turning painful, or even possibly issues with incontinence.

These are realities that can, and do strike. Many regular monogamous relationships don't withstand it(then again, culture, and tribalism is basically dead across most groups, so I get that), but in this instance, I can see many instances where heartache, and the vice of jealousy come to bear. The man in this case, does he continue on a sexual relationship with a new man, woman, zee? After all it's open, or does he hunker down out of love for her gift of a shared new life? What is her reaction? How does she handle it? Likewise, the idea of jealousy could simply be down to house chores, and one, or the other skipping out for a new poly amorous frolic. Another area of concern is protection. Just turn on worldstarhiphop, and you'll see, we live in an unpredictable world; often times plain dangerous. Who's in charge in these 'fight, or flight' moments. Who should perhaps sacrifice themselves for the greater good, and who should stay to continue nurturing the tribe, or children??? Do they even have time to make up the new rules for any of it?? Sometimes, or I should say, most of the times, decisions don't give the time to think; only act. So how????? I could go on, perhaps I made a point, or opened a line of discussion, or at least put my thoughts to words.