I never heard of that nigga in my life and I've been on incel forums for years. Is he a fed plant or something? Why tf are mainstream news sites writing about random incel posts?
I saw tyt make a video about it and it got 100k views. I didn't watch the whole thing but I wonder what it would be like to fuck Ana Kasparian's face. You guys should check it out and make a deepfake with her getting facefucked by a nigger.
This is so weird my niggas. We live in a time where incels are getting treated the way that muslims and jews used to be. It's fucking crazy. I feel like I'm living in a simulation. No way this shit is real. Seeing the word "incel" in the mouths of apparently respectable journalists who write for "credible" news organizations is jarring. How tf have we been made into public enemy number one? Feds need a new punching bag for their mkultra experiments I guess. Prepare for the camps buddy boyos. Hopefully achmed your cellmate doesn't fuck your ass. Weird world.
[–]Lifecantrulysuck 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)