

all 2 comments

NastyWetSmear 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 13 days ago

I've felt that way before. I've even felt it about people who are more than conventionally attractive. People who I can look at and say: "Yeah, she's beautiful."... And then just feel nothing about at all.

I assume it's some evolutionary, lizard brain quirk. Something instinctive in me that tells me, on some biological level that I can smell or see but not consciously understand, that we wouldn't be a good pair to be breeding? My eyes tell me that they are beautiful, my brain tells me they are nice, but some instinctive ape centre inside me says: "No, our kids would have lung problems and would die trying to climb their first tree. NEXT!"

Love, lust and desire are odd things like that. It's like a woman describing her ideal man to a person who matches every criteria she's describing and then going off with someone else who seems to have none of those qualities - we might know, intellectually, what's good about a person but be biologically driven to get something else despite ourselves. Very odd.

Mcheetah[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 13 days ago

Alternate explanation: These people are trans and pass well enough to trick your eyes but not enough to trick your brain and subconsciously you can tell there's very subtle anatomy clues and hints to let you know they're not the sex they're pretending to be which is why they can "look pretty" but you wouldn't want to sleep with them cause they're actually a man and something about them (slender hips, slightly large jaw, extended brow, etc.) is telling your brain that.

This person is not trans, though. She's 5'6"-5'7" and her voice is extremely feminine; no man can sound like that.