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[–]Happy_face_doomer 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I think you're the one who misses a lot of dick here, for defending a XY who's the same shit like all the others, in a RADFEM sub. Are you even aware of how stupid you sound? Even women who aren't feminists know deep down, in their instincts, that men are all the same. And then you dumb down yourself to coddle and protect your almighty dad. He's just as gross as every other man, DEAL WITH IT. He has a penis, an Y chromosome and testosterone and was born in the same patriarchal shit all men are born. DEAL. WITH.IT.

I understand this is a high cope, but stop with the handmaiden dumbassery, you look like a fucking clown.