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[–]nanklm[S] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

How do I help this poor girl? She literally can't go more than a few weeks without sucking some ugly abusive male dick thinking he will pick her

[–]Apricot_Ibex 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Omg. She sounds like she’s really far gone. Imagine hating your body to that level and catering to male pleasure like some submissive porn clown. She seriously needs to test herself for STDs. A moid like that wouldn’t care about her health.

I know women like that too unfortunately, and the self-hate often starts when they were very young from a toxic home environment.

She needs therapy, and not saying that facetiously. She’s got to have the willpower to overcome internalized misogyny or have some rude awakening.

I had a friend like that. She grew up in a horrible toxic environment, sexually abused by her own dad and ignored by her mom, so I wanted to support her and be understanding, encouraged her to leave her abusive husband and seek counseling (which she would not do over the course of several years, with multiple friends offering all kinds of help and support, including a place to stay).

She never said rude things to me but attacked other women CONSTANTLY, clowned for random men who were filthy, abusive, and cheaters, and started leaving her young daughter around them. It’s when she wouldn’t stop endangering her daughter that I had to cut her off for good.

She wouldn’t listen to me, so another friend and I reported her for child endangerment. I watched her daughter countless times just to keep her away from these randos. A relative is asking for custody and I hope she can get it, and that my friend can finally go for counseling.

I still wish her the best because she received such a horrible start in life but for her to endanger her daughter the same way enraged and depressed me. I truly believe she has histrionic personality disorder.