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[–]RedEyedWarrior 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I originally commented while I was at work. So I didn't watch the video but left a short remark on how governments are often the reason why gay couples raise children and now a politician is giving the orphan an adoptive father and an adoptive mother, which the boy wanted.

I'm a gay man. And I saw nothing wrong with this video. Sure, you could argue that a child is still better off with two dads than living in an orphanage. But if an orphan clearly wants to have a mother and a father, then the agency or the courts looking after him should do everything in their power ensure that opposite sex couple adopts that child. Even if you are in favour of same sex couples adopting children, you have to agree that the needs and wants of a child are more important than the wants of a couple who want to adopt.

Furthermore, if I was Putin this situation I likely would have done the same thing. Not just because the child wants a mam and dad. But mostly because these two dads are incredibly horrible people. They tried to raise that boy transgender, which in my opinion should be punished with life in prison at the minimum. They refused to let the boy play with boys' toys. And these two betamales called themselves "parent 1 and parent 2", which indicates that these two try-guys don't even consider themselves men. A man not comfortable in his own manhood should never be allowed to adopt under any circumstances. Putin likely did this young lad a favour.

For the record, this is a fictional film aimed at trolling western shitlibs. Which we deserve, because of how arrogant and hawkish we've been. Not to mention that we are destroying our own civilisation. If you are concerned about the feelings of gay people watching this video, consider this: gay people did this to ourselves by allowing our representatives to promote transgenderism and genderlessness. So I have no sympathy.

By the way, adoption should be a last resort. If a child's parents are both dead, his uncles, aunts or grandparents should raise him. That is guardianship, and it keeps a child who has lost his parents a part of his roots.