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[–]ID10T 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think you go a bit far into fanciful thinking. I strongly disagreed with the lockdowns and forced vaccinations. I'm fairly certain covid was designed in that Wuhan lab and leaked from there. I'm certain Fauci was quite familiar with what that lab was doing and the funding the DHS was providing for it and wanted that all covered up.

But covid was far worse than any flu in hospitalizations and deaths. People ended up in hospitals before any treatment began. They hadn't reduced the number of doctors or beds in NYC certainly. They increased the number of beds with temporary facilities during the pandemic.

People weren't intubated when they could breathe on their own. Respirators were triaged when it got really bad, meaning there were far too few respirators to patients who couldn't breathe on their own and doctors had to decide which patients had a better chance of living if put on a respirator. None of those patients on respirators could breathe on their own, they all would've died without them. Almost every doctor acted in good faith. Doctors and nurses for the suffered tremendously during the pandemic. They were incredibly overworked and would've done anything to cure people as fast as possible.

I totally agree that exercise, weight loss, and vitamin D should've been promoted over all other strategies like masking, lock downs, and dubious vaccinations.